I am master of my fate, I am captain of my soul (from a poem by William Ernest Hendley)
There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul ( quote by Ella Wheeler Wilcox)

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Charm Bracelets Again

Blog writing has been put on a hiatus for a month. Reason? I do not know myself. Perhaps I need a new laptop as my present one is not working properly. I write using the tablet. Tablet is easy, light, portable. Everytime I travel on the commuter trains , I will write when I feel bored of reading or an idea just popped up at that time. However when you want to edit whatever you wrote before publishing it, a desktop or laptop is preferable and faster (to me that is, others might differ in opinion). When you focus on putting up your ideas into a new post, time flies. Having to edit using the tablet, makes me put off writing actually. I am a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to spelling and putting the words together, sometimes I do it over and over again. Hmm.........or was I just lazy? Many things are on my mind too. The impending surgery is definitely one of them. Will write about it a little later.

Well, let's forget the rain and the gloomy weather, the electric tariff hike, the foolish spins made by some politicians, the destruction of the Lembah Bujang temple site by some developer and the expression of dissatisfaction and frustration by many many bloggers with the top level government administrators and legislators.

Some photos on how you can arrange  your charm bracelets.



  1. Hi Ain,
    Thanks. Actually kzah malas nak tulis. So I just put up all the pictures.

  2. hehehe sepanjang november kira bulan cuti menulis.....ain pun blog dia siap labah2 buat sarang hehehe
