I am master of my fate, I am captain of my soul (from a poem by William Ernest Hendley)
There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul ( quote by Ella Wheeler Wilcox)

Friday 20 December 2013

A Prayer Before The Surgery


My Lord,
First and foremost thank you for all the good things and the not-so-good things in my life. The not-so-good things have toughened me up, made me value my life even more and made me attempt to look at things from different perspectives. There have been many challenges but then who doesn't face challenges in their lives? I accepted them and I took full responsibilities of my life. I have a lot of faults and weaknesses as a human being, did things I am not proud of every now and then but thank you my Lord, you have given me a few strengths here and there too.

I have decided to have the surgery for my arthritic right knee (first) because I want a better quality of life than one with the condition untreated. First always in my list of priorities is being independent and taking good care of myself. I am determined to continue searching and learning all your wonders while at the same time I am still doing introspection of my own self. Yes, there are still many aspects of me I need to fathom. There is still so much to learn. But then learning is supposed to be lifelong, even if it is about yourself, isn't it? I will be doing all that a lot better if I can move around freely without having to worry about the osteoarthritis pain or anxiously thinking about the progress of the disease. Even if I can never get the knee back, like before I have the arthritis, I will be thankful with a certain degree of improvement.

While I am at the hospital and later at the recuperation facility, please keep my cat safe and healthy. Please, please let me have a speedy recovery after the surgery so that I can go home ASAP and my Mickey Benjamin doesn't have to stay long at the boarding facility. I am sad about keeping Mickey caged for a long time as I know he hates it. I just feel bad about putting my beloved pet in what might be a stressful situation (bring caged for some time) for him. The circumstances are unavoidable though, so please help my cat adjusts to his surrounding and minimizes his stress and discomfort while being boarded at the vet.

I must admit that there are times when my heart is cold and unresponsive towards some humans for some reasons or other. I am ashamed to say that, my Lord. However there is always a soft spot in my heart for all animals, especially for cats and dogs, the most common pets in the world. I flinch and wince when I see kids being cruel to animals and their parents think they are just having fun and it is okay. I was horrified with the news of the Pulau Ketam dogs very inhumane treatment or the poisoining of the Pygmy elephants in East Malaysia. My heart broke when I heard Darling sobbing on the phone when her beloved cat passed away or when Nizam told me the stories about the animals he rescued or his postings on facebook. Please keep Darling, Darling's spouse EA, Zam, Ain, my nephew Ajun, my niece Syikin and all the animal lovers in the world safe, healthy and bless them with longevity for people like them are few in numbers in this world. It is sad that I have never heard of any of the rich people in Malaysia donating generously for animal causes. It is usually the ordinary people, the struggling animal shelters and the volunteers.

Thank you my Lord, for listening to me. I am a little nervous about the surgery but I put all my trust in you. I am determined to get better and I strongly believe you will help me.


  1. Darling, my thoughts and prayers are with you and I'm looking forward to catching up with you again soon.Wishing you all the best with your surgery and recovery. May you use this restful time to recharge and energize. Don't worry too much about doubt he will be stress for the first few days but believe me, he'll be fine...
    p.s : thank you for your you....and Mickey too....

    1. Thank you so very much Darling. Lots and lots of love, hugs and kisses for Ibu, Gollum and Kuning.

  2. Amiiin...tq for the prayer kak and ain wish and pray that everything will go fine as intended. Mickey surely can adjust for that temporary arrangement. What ever iy is, as what master yoda always says....may the force be with you :)

  3. Thank you so much Zam & Ain. Yes, may the force be with me and my knee will heal ASAP after the surgery.

  4. Dear, I seal my love and pray for your healing.. hope everything will be fine and much better. Greatest friend as you will be always bless by Lord. Indulge yourself with happiness and relaxation.
    Lot of Love,
    Your Dear
