I am master of my fate, I am captain of my soul (from a poem by William Ernest Hendley)
There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul ( quote by Ella Wheeler Wilcox)

Thursday 26 December 2013

On The Eve of Surgery

Got myself admitted to the hospital at around 2.00 pm today with my nephew A accompanying me. So the room above will be my home for the next three or four days at the most I hope before I transferred to the recuperation facility. This time it will not be a very brief procedure like the cataract operation as total knee replacement (TKR) is quite invasive and is considered a major surgery. 

My state of mind? Well, my nerves are a little edgy, as my blood pressure reading is 148/70. Could also be because I woke up at 3.00 am this morning and couldn't continue sleeping anymore. Could also be because I forget  the BP medication last night. Mickey too was very attached to me yesterday and today, sensing intuitively that he would be sent for boarding for quite some time. Hang on there, Mickey baby, Wan Nyah loves you so very much but I just have to do this.

Dr. Ong came to see me just now. Just ensuring all my vitals are okay I supposed. Also discussing all the medications that I take daily to make sure it doesn't interfere with the surgery and also after the surgery. I believe such meeting is also geared towards putting the patient at ease and to boost morale as it makes you feel good that the person who is going to operate come and spend a little time with you before the surgery. I trust my doctor and I believe he will do the best for me.
So, bye for now Mickey dearest, Ibu, Gollum, Kuning, Bobo, all the felines who just had a new cattery in Putrajaya too!

My dinner this evening, green curry
chicken, stir fried kai lan and
Milo jelly

Friday 20 December 2013

A Prayer Before The Surgery


My Lord,
First and foremost thank you for all the good things and the not-so-good things in my life. The not-so-good things have toughened me up, made me value my life even more and made me attempt to look at things from different perspectives. There have been many challenges but then who doesn't face challenges in their lives? I accepted them and I took full responsibilities of my life. I have a lot of faults and weaknesses as a human being, did things I am not proud of every now and then but thank you my Lord, you have given me a few strengths here and there too.

I have decided to have the surgery for my arthritic right knee (first) because I want a better quality of life than one with the condition untreated. First always in my list of priorities is being independent and taking good care of myself. I am determined to continue searching and learning all your wonders while at the same time I am still doing introspection of my own self. Yes, there are still many aspects of me I need to fathom. There is still so much to learn. But then learning is supposed to be lifelong, even if it is about yourself, isn't it? I will be doing all that a lot better if I can move around freely without having to worry about the osteoarthritis pain or anxiously thinking about the progress of the disease. Even if I can never get the knee back, like before I have the arthritis, I will be thankful with a certain degree of improvement.

While I am at the hospital and later at the recuperation facility, please keep my cat safe and healthy. Please, please let me have a speedy recovery after the surgery so that I can go home ASAP and my Mickey Benjamin doesn't have to stay long at the boarding facility. I am sad about keeping Mickey caged for a long time as I know he hates it. I just feel bad about putting my beloved pet in what might be a stressful situation (bring caged for some time) for him. The circumstances are unavoidable though, so please help my cat adjusts to his surrounding and minimizes his stress and discomfort while being boarded at the vet.

I must admit that there are times when my heart is cold and unresponsive towards some humans for some reasons or other. I am ashamed to say that, my Lord. However there is always a soft spot in my heart for all animals, especially for cats and dogs, the most common pets in the world. I flinch and wince when I see kids being cruel to animals and their parents think they are just having fun and it is okay. I was horrified with the news of the Pulau Ketam dogs very inhumane treatment or the poisoining of the Pygmy elephants in East Malaysia. My heart broke when I heard Darling sobbing on the phone when her beloved cat passed away or when Nizam told me the stories about the animals he rescued or his postings on facebook. Please keep Darling, Darling's spouse EA, Zam, Ain, my nephew Ajun, my niece Syikin and all the animal lovers in the world safe, healthy and bless them with longevity for people like them are few in numbers in this world. It is sad that I have never heard of any of the rich people in Malaysia donating generously for animal causes. It is usually the ordinary people, the struggling animal shelters and the volunteers.

Thank you my Lord, for listening to me. I am a little nervous about the surgery but I put all my trust in you. I am determined to get better and I strongly believe you will help me.

Friday 13 December 2013

The Hobbit : The Desolation of Smaug

 I went to see The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug which is the second film of the three-part series based on J.R.R Tolkien's book The Hobbit yesterday. I have never read any of Tolkien's book. I wished I had, because reading the book first would have enabled me to grasp the depth and emotion of the characters better.  Most of the time you will feel the storyline and
characters have been slightly bent here and there in movies as compared to the actual books. Well, never mind the book and the mixed reviews about this film so far, I loved the movie! Seen in in 3D and the epic fantasy adventure was just fantastic and never
boring for me despite the fact it was a 161-minute long movie. Should have seen it in IMax but then I was lazy to go to Times Square or Sunway Pyramid.
As continued from the first part The Unexpected Journey, the story went on with the many adventures of the hobbit Bilbo Baggins (Martin Freeman), the      
wizard Gandalf The Grey (Ian Mckellen) and the thirteen dwarfs with their leader Thorin Oakenshield (Richard Armitage). Remember that Thorin was heir to the Erebor kingdom in the Lonely Mountain which was seized by Smaug the dragon. Gandalf had told Thorin to recruit Bilbo to help him steal the Arkenstone gem from the dragon because only with the stone could he rule Erebor again (I'm a little lost as to the significance of that particular stone).

So the group trudged along through Mirkwood, Esgaroth and Dale to get to Lonely Mountain to defeat Smaug. They encountered the giant spiders along the way and would have been eaten by them if not for Bilbo rescuing them using the ring. On another occasion the dwarfs were captured by the wood-elf king Thranduil and his son Legolas (Orlando Bloom). Yes, it was the same Thranduil and Legolas who refused to help the dwarfs when their kingdom was being destroyed by Smaug in the first part. Using the ring Bilbo was able to rescue the dwarfs by stealing the keys of their lock-ups and then hiding them in wine barrels that floated down a river. The fight scenes along the river between orcs and elves and dwarfs and hobbit were indeed spectacular.
The two characters I love in the movie were Bilbo Bagins and Smaug. Bilbo was brave, cool and collected, even a little comical at times. He was supposed to be a stealthy thief but I feel he was one of the few good guys in the group. The other one was the wise old dwarf Balin who often gently reprimanded Thorin of his greed and arrogance while on the quest to reclaim his homeland from Smaug.
Guess whose voice was behind the dragon? None other than Benedict Cumberbatch of the Star Trek Into The Darkness fame. Smaug was intelligent, articulate, vindictive, narcissistic, manipulative and even used psychology to confuse Bilbo.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, let me not spoil your anticipation and expectation by telling too much. For me it was a good movie that was worth going to the cinema!


Tuesday 10 December 2013

Nostalgic Jogjakarta

In November 2012, I, PA, Darling and Darling's significant other EA went to Jogjakarta. We had a lovely time. I fulfilled my long time wish to visit Borobudur and Prambanan. I had visited Angkor Watt with PA before that and was totally fascinated with the ancient structures we saw there. I love visiting old places, old castles, places of worships and all the ancient architecture associated with them. Borobudur and Prambanan are magnificent structures. Prambanan especially is hauntingly beautiful that I just want to visit it again, just like l want to re-visit Angkor Watt. I will never get tired being in places like those.

Tidying up in the house today, I found an old Jogja newspaper that I brought back from that trip. The hoarder in me is reluctant to part with this piece of Jogja. So before I throw it away, I snapped some of the articles in it. Some memorable photos from that trip are also pasted below. Didn't write about some of those trips because I only started blogging in late July 2013.

The majestic Borobudur behind me

The beautiful relief on one of the
Prambanan temples
Prambanan temples, beautiful, spiritual
The gorgeous Padang Tritis beach

The pool where members of the harem bathed. The
Sultan would be watching from the room in the
tower. He would then through a bouquet to the
lady of choice. The chosen lady would spend a
night with the Sultan.

Prambanan, meeting you at last!

Monday 9 December 2013

Snow Falling On MidValley

I love browsing at the big department stores in town near Christmas time. All the festive air and the lovely Christmas decorations put up by the store management are just awesome.

Photos were taken at Midvalley Megamall.

Books and The Reading Habit

"To acquire the reading habit is to construct for yourself, a refuge from almost   all the miseries of life" - W.Somerset Maugham (famous British novelist, playwright and short story writer).

"I am concentrating on staying healthy, having peace, being happy, remembering what is important, taking in nature and animals, spending time reading, trying to understand the universe, where science and the spiritual meet" - Joan Jett (American rock guitarist, singer, songwriter, producer and occasional actress).

"A book is the only place in which you can examine a fragile thought without breaking it, or explore an explosive idea without fear it will go off in your face. It is one of the few havens remaining where a man's mind can get both provocation and privacy" - Edward P.Morgan (American journalist, writer and reporter).

I learnt to read before I went to school. My adopted mum, limited though her education was, made some effort at coaching me to read and write before I started schooling. I was a fast learner at reading and writing and very soon I was able to read simple books in rumi as well as in jawi. The books were old school books from the neighbours' children. At that time buying books for leisure reading was simply non-existent in most homes in such small town as Sabak Bernam. At times, for lack of reading materials, I resorted to reading grocery packages which were then made from folded and glued old newspapers. Most of the time I would be disappointed as many of the wrappers and packages originated from Mandarin newspapers as most of the shopkeepers in the kampung were Chinese. When I was in standard 2, once a week at least, I used to make a detour upon returning home from school to go to the small bazaar in the middle of Sabak Bernam town, dragging one of my school friends with me. There was a small bookshop selling religious books and children books there. The children books were mostly local fairy tales or adapted ones with titles like Puteri Mayang Mengurai, Raja Dengan Baju Baru or Kisah Abu Nawas. They were printed on newsprint, in black and white with some illustrations also in black and white. I would save my daily allowance to buy the books and started a collection myself. Mostly they were thin books about 10 or 15 pages, in the size approximately 5"x 7" and would cost me 35 cents each.

As a kid I was not very active and was not much into sport. My favourite pastimes would be wandering around the kampung with my best friend Normah, hanging around her house or she at mine, playing marbles, batu seremban, hide and seek or galah panjang. The introvert in me was already apparent then. I did not have that many friends, but I had two or three who I really adored and vice versa. Budding narcissistic personalities could be found even in young children below the age of ten. In school there would be these groups of kids hanging around either a popular kid, the teacher's pet or sometimes even a bully. I just couldn't care less, you can be popular, or pretty, or rich, but if you were not my type I just didn't feel the need to be around you, period. There would be time when I would just take my collection of story books and just laying down on the hammock underneath the house, sometimes with Normah and one or two others, sometimes on my own, reading and re-reading to my heart content. It was also a tumultuous period in my young life. My adopted parents' marriage was beginning to deteriorate and they were always bickering and quarrelling. My adopted mum would be preoccupied with her marital problems, brooding and distracted most of the time. My adopted father, weary of quarreling with her would often came back very late and I seldom saw him. I found solace in my little books and in the books in the makeshift school library which one of my teachers created with her own effort. The library would have titles like Hikayat Awang Sulong Merah Muda, Hikayat Malim Deman, Hikayat Seribu Satu Malam, etc. In no time I would go through all the books in the library. My adopted parents quarrels and altercations culminated in their divorce when I was ten. It was a traumatic, hideous and bitter experience for me.

Upon finishing primary education, I went to a boarding school for girls in Johor Bahru. I was from a Malay school and thus have to go through one year of integration into an English medium school, known then as the Remove Class. All kids from vernacular schools had to go through this one year of preparation to familiarise and to equip us with using English as the medium for learning in every subject except Bahasa Melayu and Religious Knowledge. The language barrier was daunting at first but I learnt very fast. What prompted me to learnt English as fast as I could was because I fell in love with the many classical English literature novels available then at the school library. We also had good dedicated teachers.
I feel very much indebted to the English teachers we had in the school at the time. If my English is more or less okay now, they definitely had a part in it. Miss Teh and Mrs. Chan were Kirby-trained teachers and were very dedicated to their jobs. The teachers in the school would be rotated for preparation hour (known as prep hour) duty every school day from 7.30 - 10.00 pm. I loved the prep hour if it was Miss Teh who was on duty because we could discuss many things about our English literature lessons. I always admired Miss Teh who read widely and would always give us suggestions on what books to read. Those were the time when teaching was a profession that was truly multi-racial in the country. My classmates and I were a competitive bunch when it came to learning English and we would be challenging one another who would top the class in English. The fact that we came from all over the country and many from small rural villages, made us feel we must prove ourselves by conquering and mastering the English language.

Even in Remove Class we have English Literature lessons. We were introduced to Charles Dickens, Alexander Dumas, Jane Austen, Louisa M.Alcott, Mark Twain and the likes. To this day I still remember the books we used for English Literature classes in Remove Class and in Form One. They were The Prisoner of Zenda by Anthony Hope, Emma by Jane Austen, The Old Curiosity Shop and Tale of Two Cities both by Charles Dickens. Of course we were using the simplified versions of those classics, meant for young readers. The books moved me. They were not always about kings and their very loyal subjects or princes and princesses. The impressionable young teenager in me was very captivated by those books. It made me aware that there were other worlds out there, with people, cultures and histories which were sometime similar to and at other time very different from ours. I was also reading books by Indonesian authors like Apa Dayaku Kerana Aku Perempuan by Nur Sutan Iskandar, Merantau Ke Deli by Hamka and Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wjick also by Hamka. On the home front there were novels like Salina and Bulan Tak Bermadu di Fatehpur Sikri both by A. Samad Said and Jalan Pulang by Anas K.Hadimaja.

Books and reading are always important in my life. The five paragraphs above more or less described my natural tendency towards reading, as well as the conditions and situations that helped in making me a reader. Reading gives me solace, focus, peace, thrill, excitement, a connection with others, a tuning with the universe. Reading stimulates the mind, broadens knowledge, expands vocabulary, improves memory, strengthens analytical thinking skills, improves focus and concentration, reduces stress, enables you to have emphaty on others, boosts creativity, improves writing skills, helps with loneliness and boredom, experiences character's emotions, thoughts and beliefs, flexes imagination by taking the reader away from everyday life to enter a world of fantasy, suspense, curiosity, comedy, spirituality. It is a stimulant that has therapeutic qualities.

Nowadays I read whatever I like. My categories would include anything from biographies, memoirs, award winning fiction, to travel books, self-help books on various topics, humour, religions, spirituality, animals, nature, families, relationship, health, hobbies and even children books. There was a time when I was very much into Harold Robbins novels. I believed I've read each and everyone of his novels and I loved all of them. Once a friend commented that I was reading trash and I should focus on better materials like those found on the "literary fiction" corner of the bookshops. Well, never be intimidated by others on what you like to read. Reading is for pleasure and not for the sake of satisfying peer expectation. Of course I love some of those literary fiction too. For me, the thing about Harold Robbins' novels is that once you started reading them, you would find it difficult to put them down. Stephanie Meyers is another author whose books are irresistible to me. I finished the first book on the Twilight Saga in one and half days, despite the fact that forbidden love, star-crossed lovers and vampires are not really my cup of tea. Hence the power of good writing.

There is a saying that says "readers are born on the laps of their parents". Definitely there is a lot truth in that. My brother Mi is an avid reader and it follows that my nephew Ajun and my niece Syikin are passionate readers themselves. I can always have very pleasant conversations with them about books and many other topics. Both are mature, confident, very articulate young persons who are also promising young entrepreneurs. However if the reading habit doesn't come naturally to you and you are not lucky enough to have parents who inculcate that habit (no offence meant, some parents do not have the opportunity and means to do that due to many reasons) there are still things you can do to turn yourself into a reader. Will be writing about that in another posting.

To end this posting, I would like to add some fun facts (about me ha ha ha).
List of my favourite authors:
1.  Charles Dickens     2.   Pramoedya Ananta Toer     3.   Harper Lee
4.   Emily Bronte         5.   Pearl S.Buck                           6.   Harold Robbins
7.   Mario Puzo            8.   Dina Zaman                            9.   Kassim Ahmad
10. Thomas Hardy     11.  Hamka                                   12.  Kiran Desai      
13.  Khaled Hosseini  14.  Stephanie Meyers

List of books which I've read (a few a have even re-read) and which had touched me deeply and had left lasting impressions:
1     To Kill A Mocking Bird (Harper Lee)
2     Gadis Pantai (Pramoedya Ananta Toer)
3     Tess of d'Urbervilles (Thomas Hardy)        
4     The Good Earth (Pearl S.Buck)
5     A Stone for Danny Fisher (Harold Robbins)
6     The Godfather (Mario Puzo)
7      I am Muslim (Dina Zaman)              
8      Mencari Jalan Pulang (Kassim Ahmad)
9      Quran and Crickets (Farish A.Noor)          
10    79 Park Avenue (Harold Robbins)
11    The Inheritance of Loss (Kiran Desai)
12    Bumi Manusia (Pramoedya Ananta Toer)
13    The Kite Runner (Khaled Hosseini)
14    The Prozac Nation (Elizabeth Wurtzel)

Last but not least, the question that most readers would ask one another "what book are you reading now?"
The truth of the matter is, I always have a few books that I am in the process of finishing. The one that gets most of my attention now is The End of Your Life Book Club by Will Schwalbe. It is a memoir about a close-knit family relationship as they dealt with the mother being strickened with pancreatic cancer. The Schwalbes is not an ordinary or average family in that books and reading are part and parcel of their everyday life. I am quarter through the book, the impression I got is that every one of the Schwalbe is a passionate reader and especially so Will and his mother Mary Anne. Starting from the time Mary Anne Schwalbe was first diagnosed with the cancer to the time she was hospitalised, Will and his mother would form a kind of a book club, just the two of them. They would choose a book that they have read or they would both read and then they would discuss the book, the way a book club would, every time he accompanied her for treatment, or when he came visiting after she was hospitalised. It is a touching narrative on how a son deals with a mother who is terminally ill with cancer and how the two-member book club deepened their relationship.
In future, every time I finish a book, I will write something about it in this blog.
So ladies and gentlemen, what book are you reading now?

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Charm Bracelets Again

Blog writing has been put on a hiatus for a month. Reason? I do not know myself. Perhaps I need a new laptop as my present one is not working properly. I write using the tablet. Tablet is easy, light, portable. Everytime I travel on the commuter trains , I will write when I feel bored of reading or an idea just popped up at that time. However when you want to edit whatever you wrote before publishing it, a desktop or laptop is preferable and faster (to me that is, others might differ in opinion). When you focus on putting up your ideas into a new post, time flies. Having to edit using the tablet, makes me put off writing actually. I am a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to spelling and putting the words together, sometimes I do it over and over again. Hmm.........or was I just lazy? Many things are on my mind too. The impending surgery is definitely one of them. Will write about it a little later.

Well, let's forget the rain and the gloomy weather, the electric tariff hike, the foolish spins made by some politicians, the destruction of the Lembah Bujang temple site by some developer and the expression of dissatisfaction and frustration by many many bloggers with the top level government administrators and legislators.

Some photos on how you can arrange  your charm bracelets.