I am master of my fate, I am captain of my soul (from a poem by William Ernest Hendley)
There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul ( quote by Ella Wheeler Wilcox)

Sunday 13 October 2013

Sunday Morning and Dismal News

Woke up at around 8.00am today. Must be the rain last night because normally I would wake up around 6.00 or 6.30 in the morning nowadays. Even if I don't, Mickey would be nudging and pushing me and meowing with his face inches from mine.  Mickey does that either because his food bowl is covered with that heavy stainless steel cover that he couldn' t get off or just simply wanting my attention. This morning he must have overslept too because of the rain. Found him curled up snugly in that overturned plastic food cover which has since become his favourite furniture.

Turned on the TV, channel 101 of HyppTV which is actually RTM1. Well there is the Sunday morning talk-show and the topic today is of course the recently completed UMNO Polls 2013. I am not a member of any political party and I do not ever intend to be one. I am just a Malaysian citizen who would like to see my country prosper and develop into a first class nation. I would like to see my nephews and nieces and their generations enjoy better standard of living, better education system and healthcare, proper cheaper housing and most importantly for them to live peacefully in a country where the crime rate is low. That being said, first and foremost I would be very happy if my nephews and nieces are well rounded individuals. It is good if they are successful in their education and their careers, but it is more important that they are able to think for themselves on issues that matters like politics or religion and are not just parroting what are dictated to them by leaders.

There is no major surprises in the results of UMNO polls yesterday. I find that very very difficult to believe even if the papers were buzzing with this expectation for days. Barisan Nasional did very badly in the 12th General Election (GE) and did not recover at all in recent 13th GE and yet there is not much change in the leadership of UMNO? The dismal performance in GE 13th has been widely discussed in the blogsphere and I for one do not believe in the Chinese tsunami theory. The Malays must stop this culture of blaming others when something went wrong with their lives. We must look into ourselves, be brutally truthful and accept responsibilities for our actions if we want to be a hardy, tenacious, proactive, forward thinking, competitive and successful community. Like my WhatsApp message to Zam & Ain last night, if I am young and better qualified I would definitely seriously think about migrating.

Let's get away from the dismal news. If anyone is thinking about something different for their breakfast or even afternoon tea here is a suggestion.

Get a packet of wraps. Wraps are round thin ready-made pancake (like lempeng nipis) sold in packet of 6 for around RM7.00. Lay out the wrap on a flat surface. Take 2 slices of cheddar and arrange in the middle. You can add whatever you like after that, vege, tuna, sardine, leftover meat from last night dinner or diced fruits like apple, strawberry, banana or even jam, hazelnut spread or peanut butter. Roll up the wrap and cut into three sections. You can also secure the cut wrap sections with toothpicks to prevent fillings from falling out. Put a a little butter on top of each section. Arrange in a tray and bake in oven ( toaster oven will do) for about 10 minutes. Serve hot, yummy, delicious!

Toasted wrap with cheddar & vegetables

Continue napping

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