I am master of my fate, I am captain of my soul (from a poem by William Ernest Hendley)
There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul ( quote by Ella Wheeler Wilcox)

Wednesday 14 August 2013

A Large Shady Garden for My Animals

Many things happened in Malaysia just before, during and after the Hari Raya 2013. The controversy surrounding the Chetz old raya video,the remand of the resort owner and the advice from MAIJ to demolish the surau that was used for Buddhist meditation in  in a resort in Tanjung Sedili Besar, Johor, the upcoming launch of the book "Awakening: The Abdullah Badawi Years in Malaysia", the many write-ups about the also upcoming UMNO General Assembly and of course all the crime news emblazoned on the pages of local newspapers.

Many thoughts crossed my minds about all those and I was undecided whether to put them out on this blog or just to banish them to the deepest recesses of my mind. No, I cannot cast out those thoughts, but perhaps I will write about some of them later on. Mind you, I should take care, there are too many overly sensitive people in our country hell-bent on stomping and pulverizing other people who have different opinions or interpretations about anything or people they deemed wrong or ignorant. The zealots are eagerly ready to pounce on anybody nowadays under the pretext of protecting the religion or protecting the race. I am just not sure whether the religion itself really needs defending after all. And really, just what happened to the culture of moderation?

Let's change from this disturbing subject, let's talk about something gentle, beautiful and less provoking. Say animals!

I am an animal lover. Due to constraints of space in my very small home, very small backyard too, neighbours who don't like animals, also issues on finance and also my own health ever since I have the osteoarthritis, the only pet that I can keep now is my beloved cat Mickey Benjamin, which has been mentioned time and time again in this blog. To the animal lover, pet is family and you and your pet have a very strong bond and Mickey is the love of my life. You treat your pet just like you treat a close family member. You would like to have your pet around you all the time. Holidays are a little worrying because you have to send your pet for boarding and your pet does not like that. There is always a tough struggle to get Mickey into the carrier as he understands carrier implies being sent to the vet for boarding or otherwise to be handled and probed by the vet for medical check-up or vaccination shot.

It has been a dream of mine to have a small home with a really big compound that I can easily keep something like nine or ten cats, may be three or four dogs, a goat, some rabbits, a few turtles and some fishes too. They would be rescued animals that can live out their lives comfortably and peacefully in that huge leafy, shady garden. That, to me would be the ultimate, supreme heaven!
To Zam, who has a similar plan, all my prayers are with you. I am sure your dream will materialize one day back in Perak and hopefully I will be able to visit you then.

Getting intoxicated with string play

Where are you going wan nyah? Let's play some more!

Hmm....just you wait, I'll catch that string too!

Get lost wan nyah, give me a break and stop taking my picture.
I'm exhausted after all that play! 

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