I am master of my fate, I am captain of my soul (from a poem by William Ernest Hendley)
There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul ( quote by Ella Wheeler Wilcox)

Wednesday 24 July 2013

How To Avoid Falling Asleep During Lunch During the Fasting Month

I thought I wanted to catch up with some reading this lunch hour. I've got quite a pile of books which are at the various stages of being read, quite a high pile actually. Some I just started reading, some quarter through the books and some tediously halfway through. There are also a pile of very very good books which I have read. Books are amazing really and I just can't live without them. The trouble with me is just that I like to buy books faster than I can read or have the time to read them.

So let me see. What to read?  I got hold of the interesting Asian Geographic Read and look through the section Inspiring Pen to Paper where the author Emily Green was interviewed about her lovely book Something Borrowed. There is also  an excerpt of the book as well. Have seen the movie based on that book, starring the sexy Kate Hudson and the cute Ginnifer Goodwin (of Storybook Once A Upon A Time fame). Forgot the name of the male actors.

Felt sleepy after that reading and turned to You Tube. Hmm.... perhaps I should finish the crime investigation drama that I watched last night. I love crime investigation drama and Above Suspicion is one them. Just thought that Kelly Reilly and Ciaran Hinds gave a superb performance as DC Anna Travis and DCI James Langton.

So how did pass my time the lunch hour today? I read about 20 minutes and I watched You Tube about one hour. I have somehow once again betrayed my pledge as a civil servant to serve with honesty, responsibility and dedication because I have taken up about half an hour extra of my lunch time watching You Tube!

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