I am master of my fate, I am captain of my soul (from a poem by William Ernest Hendley)
There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul ( quote by Ella Wheeler Wilcox)

Wednesday 12 August 2020

Journaling for Self-Discovery, Resolving Issues and Noting Down Assistance Given by The Lord

Journaling is supposed to be one of the best ways to explore your feelings and work through your limiting beliefs. Some people make it an essential part of their morning routine and many truly believe that it has made an impact on the way they go about their day.

I do journal but I have no routine. I am a sporadic journal writer. There are times when I might be writing my journal the whole day and late into the night, pouring my heart out and often finding something about myself. Then I might leave the journal dormant for three or four days. Then the next two consecutive days I'll be writing, writing, writing.

What did I write in my journal? My wishes, my hopes, my dreams, my prayers. My feelings and emotions about things that happened to me. My amazement at my strengths in some life situations (really I did!). My regrets and my worries. The journal is a tool for me to learn to forgive myself and to accept that some appalling things had to happen for me to heighten my depth as a human being. It is also a record of things that I have learned recently about myself. It helps resolve issues sometimes. At other time, it is like a good listener or maybe a silent watcher. The journal is also a record book of the epiphanies, the nudges, the pushes and the grabbing before the fall from the Lord. It is indeed a book of self-discovery. A discovery that is meaningful to you yourself only,

In journaling, I don't censor myself. I pour my heart out. I am free with my words while accessing my feelings and emotions. It is for myself and nobody else. I even doodle or draw stick people on my journal and sometimes paste pictures onto them if they are motivating to me. I will continue with this pursuit of self-discovery.

The following are some journal prompts which I gather from all over the net. But, honestly, just trust yourself and write what you feel and what is close to your heart. Some of the suggestions are inspirational but others are idiotic in my opinion. Just kidding. Texts in blue are my own comments, just being cheeky 😁. Journaling is for you, so it is up to you. Your intuition will guide you to write what you ought to write, to understand yourself more or to discover your innermost feelings or even to give you inspiration on a certain issue. 


Describe exactly what your dream life and future looks like.
What is your ideal daily routine? (Does it really matter, does it have to be ideal?)
Name 5 things that always make you feel better.
What makes you unique? (introverts will find it hard to write about such topics, 
 most introverts, I think, are unassuming and find it difficult to praise themselves)
What did the past year teach you about yourself?
Do you get more energy from being around other people or spending time alone?
(for an introvert, the above question is stupid)
Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?
What are your core values?
What is the best piece of advice you’ve received?
How do you maintain a loving relationship with yourself?
(the above question is very important to me)
When do you feel the most productive? Why?
What are 10 things you are grateful for?
If no one else’s opinion mattered, what would you do?
What makes you happy?
Describe your perfect morning routine.
(does everything has to be perfect)
What do you believe to be true about yourself? Why?
Do you like taking risks? Why or why not?
What do you deserve?
List 5 things you are really good at.
What does success mean to you?
Describe a past negative experience that ended up helping you grow.
What are your 3 big long-term goals for this year?
What do you love about life?
Describe a moment of serendipity.
(serendipity: The occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way)
What makes you unhappy?
If you could give advice to yourself 10 years ago, what would it be?
If failure was not an option, what would you do?
Describe your perfect nighttime routine (again, does it have to be perfect)
Does social media inspire you or cause you to compare yourself to others?
What does happiness mean to you?
Who is your support system? How do they help you grow?
In what ways do you hope to grow next year?
List 10 ways that you can simplify your life today.
What healthy boundaries have you set in your life?
List 5 of your most positive traits.
Describe your dream job.
When do you feel most energized? Why?
How would someone who loves you describe you? (how the hell would I know that 😊)
If you could say one thing to the entire world, what would it be?
Write a letter to yourself 10 years from now.
How do you “create your own sunshine”?
Describe your favourite memory.
Who is your biggest inspiration? Why?
List 3 ways that you have invested in yourself over the past 5 years.
How do you want people to remember you? (I just don't care)
What are your 3 top priorities in life right now?
How do you radiate positive energy into the world? (the simplest? Smile!)

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