I am master of my fate, I am captain of my soul (from a poem by William Ernest Hendley)
There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul ( quote by Ella Wheeler Wilcox)

Saturday 30 September 2017

Two Days After My Birthday

Hi everyone! Friends, nephews, nieces and families. Today, I am 63 and 2 days old. Ha ha ha! Nowadays, age doesn't bother me so much anymore. I probably have more white hairs, more age spots and more sagging, flabby skins 😄😄. But who cares? I don't anymore. What's more important is how I feel about myself and the people that matter to me and what I do for my personal growth and development. The strong introvert in me means I actually have not that many friends, but those I have I really adore. So, Darling, Dear, SZ, PA, LHW, Soh Kien, BK, Ain, Zam, thank you for being my friends. Love you all always.

Latest selfie of a 63 year
old lady. 
The house repairs are completed and so is the tiny extension meant to be the reading room. But as you can see from the photo, the house is cluttered to the brim. I have too many knickknacks and I am a bit of a hoarder. So the rearrangement and proper cleaning up of all the dust will take a while. It's a working progress, ha ha ha. I also need to build the bookshelves for all my books. Have a lot of things to give to others.

I am grateful to be alive. I think for me, it is a privilege. To be still healthy and independent and to be feeling great. Thank you so very much, my Lord. Thank you for making me realised a few very important things lately. They are life-changing actually and I am forever grateful. Old habits die hard but I did manage to change a few negative and limiting beliefs. There is no such thing as being too old to change.

To most people, my life is probably very mundane and very very boring. But I am OK with it. The ordanariness and the slow pace of my life does not hinder me from learning and growing. I don't really crave excitement. In fact this is a very good time and opportunity to ponder about things. And, of course, there is always this deep curiosity and an eagerness in me, to know and understand more about you my Lord. I think Maulana Rumi put it very precisely that the desire to know you can melt all other desires. I am making efforts in my own personal ways. Please show me the way, give me hints and nudge me to the right path.

Thursday 31 August 2017


One of the things I love doing in KK is driving round the beautiful kampungs around the town with my nephews and nieces. Kota Lama Kanan, Kota Lama Kiri, Lubok Merbau, Sayong, Karai, Padang Rengas, Kati and even the sparsely populated Kampong Senggang where my nephew has a chicken farm. In Kota Lama Kanan, for example, one can see the prosperity of some the villagers, judging by their houses, whereas around Kampong Senggang, perhaps most people are still struggling to earn a living. I feel a connection with the land, even if I did not spend much time growing up there. The beauty of these little quaint villages makes you never tire of observing them.

Whenever I travel on the North-South Highway to go back to KK, I always feel a surge of pride, love, admiration at the panoramic tropical vista. My country is beautiful. With it's multi-racial rakyat of various ethnicity, it's fusion of culture and various languages, it's amazing history. It is a unique place.  Even if I adore the gentle rolling plains of England and Wales, or the gorgeous autumn colours of the forest in Japan but Malaysia is just as awesome. It's always sunny, it is always green all year round. If I were to migrate to another country (very very slim chance of that actually), I think I will always be waxing lyrical about Malaysia to the people there. There is always acute nostalgia with the land of my birth. I am Malaysian, and I belong to this country, even if I too, have some pendatang blood in me. My great grandfather, maternal side, came from Sri Lanka. I believe, the same is true, for all Malaysians who were born and raised here. This is our country. We should never let politicians, or even the clergy, sully our minds with their own agendas of trying to divide us using race and religion.

The road to Kampong Senggang

Image result for beautiful images of Kuala Kangsar
Typical old Malay house. Long windows with 2 sets 
of shutters to each window
Related image
Another typical old Malay house, Notice the side veranda.

Image result for istana kenangan kuala kangsar perak
The pride of  KK. The intricately beautiful Istana Kenangan.

Usually on Hari Kebangsaan, I will be wishing my close friends with Merdeka greetings, rejoicing being the rakyat of a nation that has been ruled by its own people after being colonised by the British for some time. As a nation, we had our ups and downs, but we were OK. I did believe in my heart that we had a government that did care about its people. It's never perfect of course, but all the while before the present government, I honestly did look up to the Prime Minister and his cabinet as a team that meant well and has good intention, where the nation and the well being of Malaysians were concerned. Not anymore.

This year is different. I feel there's nothing to rejoice. It's all a farce. I didn't even watch the Merdeka procession on TV today, which I used to do every Hari Kebangsaan. I am even critical about the money spent on the Merdeka celebration, as the country's coffer is emptying fast. People are losing their jobs and struggling hard to survive. People are anxious about the future, as the country seems to be heading into the club of doom. I don't trust the Prime Minister. Personally, to me he is lying all the time, trying to cover his misappropriation of billions of state fund. If he has an ounce of integrity, he would have resigned a long time ago. All around him are his cohorts of ministers and top state officials who are just as eager to do his bidding, to ensure that their positions are secured.

I am wary about the coming general election. I am just doubtful about the credibility of the next government. I want dynamic, hard-working, passionate young leaders who are serious about repairing the damages that have been done to Malaysia, growth wise and economy wise.. Leaders who will regain our dignity as a sovereign nation. Leaders who are determined to bring the best progress to the nation and to the people.

Saturday 8 July 2017

Slowly Laying The Ghosts of The Past To Rest

Ramadhan and Hari Raya 1438/2017 is over. I am very very thankful for one or two realisations that came to me during the fasting month. It was like a certain load is lifted off my shoulder. Thank you so very much My Lord. I am determined to heal myself from past events. It is definitely no mean feat. When your psyche was twisted and conflicted with disastrous adoption, bad parenting, poor self-esteem, dysfunctional marriages and adults who thought and behaved as if they were Gods.

I used to dislike looking at this photo of the five-year old child above. That scrawny tomboy kid with the characteristic family pout looks too innocent about events that would be soon unfolding in her young life. I hate the little sunshine in her heart because I know soon she would realised how deceptive and fragile everything around her is. I think, there is a sadness in her eyes and she sometimes looks like she is pleading for someone to take her away from her surrounding.

But, not anymore. Nowadays I look at this photo and I see an adorable little girl. A little girl who talks to herself a lot, who imagines about princesses and dewa dewi from the travelling bangsawan performance she saw in our small town, who loves to wander around by herself around our huge compound, who absolutely adores animals and trees and plants. This is the same girl who will be very eager about learning when she starts schooling two years after that studio photo was taken. The girl who would not spend her duit belanja because she is saving them to buy story books, who has few friends but who totally adores the one or two close friends she has. The girl who spends hours reading her newsprint story books with her best friend on the hammock underneath the house and who stubbornly insists to still go to school even when she is very sick. She is a very lovable child and I am falling in love with this little girl all over again.

It is indeed sad that this child has to undergo a lot of  trials and tribulations in her young life. To the extent that she begins to truthfully believe that she would always be connected to people who betray her just like her parents and her adopted parents. I think that this little girl is slowly realising that it is not her fault that life events do not always work well for her. She is not jinxed. Those events are her lessons and her wisdom development as a human being. Slowly she is beginning to forgive her parents too.

I still have a long way to go, before I can totally accept some events that have happened in my life. The good thing is, I am starting to. I am aware that in order to really accept myself unconditionally, I need to love and accept this little girl in the photo and acknowledge that she is OK, she is a good child and she doesn't have to feel guilty about anything.

( I use the present tense describing this little girl, because to me she is still around, observing me and sometimes whispering things to me. Nowadays, looking at her in the photo made me cry. Something I was not able to do before this. In between my tears, in my mind, I speak to her with the gentlest terms of endearment, soothing her and reassuring her that everything is okay and that she is a lovely lovable little girl and she is worthy of love, affection and appreciation.)

Monday 19 June 2017

Encouraging Polygamy To Produce Excellent Children?

My mum passed away in 2005. I was 51 at that time and my eldest brother was 54. For about 3 years dad remained single. He then married my step-mum in 2009. My step-mum passed away in 2015 and dad followed suit in October 2016. I am so very glad that my late parents had a good marriage all throughout their 55 years together. Even if I did not really share their lives much as I was adopted, I understood their determination, tenacity and resilience as husband and wife and as parents. They had their problems but mum and dad were steadfast in their endeavour to bring up their six boys as best as they could, so that they become good citizens and good members of society. My dad and my step-mum's six-year marriage too was good.
Touching on the subject of polygamy, I just could not ever imagine how I would feel if my dad took a second wife. Regardless of whatever rationale the action was based on. I would feel very betrayed and very angry. My impression of dad would have been severely tarnished. Probably it would have been very tough for me to remain neutral to both my parents. That being said, they must also be, I supposed, polygamous families which are happy and harmonious. Perhaps, I haven't had that much exposure in this subject.

As it turned out, unfortunately, it is two of my brothers, my eldest and the younger brother third in the family, who jumped into the polygamy pool. That, despite my parents strong objection to it. From what I have observed so far, it is quite hard for me to agree with promoting polygamy in order to produce excellent children. In fact it can be the very factor that disintegrate the family. Is it because my brothers are not wealthy? It can't be denied, the burden of managing two or more households would be heavy and stressful. But then even wealthy individuals struggle to maintain family harmony when a man have more than one wives. Let's not name the person, but, remember the well-known businessman who didn't even declare he had a second wife? When he passed away in Long Beach, California in May 2008, the second family was not even acknowledged in the will and had to go through court battles to validate their share of the family fortune. In my opinion, the religious bodies in this country, should have, in the least, voice out their disgust and consternation about  the tycoon who did not practise justice and did not properly dispense his duties as the leader of his family. That is if the religious bodies are really trying to uphold justice as prescribed in Islam. They can curse at ladies who wear revealing clothes or individuals who don't pray. Why didn't they intervene in that court battle? Is the syari'ah court powerful with the poor but powerless against multi-millionaires? After all, they can go after khalwat couples, couples being indecent on motorbikes, people not fasting, a lady consuming beer and they even snatch dead bodies. Are those sins very much more heavy than a man who does not dispense justice to his own family? Are we as Muslims, being too preoccupied with rituals and external appearances that we neglect the importance of a good heart, being responsible, being honest and being kind to ourselves, family members and humanity as a whole.

I think some Muslim men will still marry more than one wives, irrespective of whether some state government encourages them or not. If the state government wants to help men marry another wife, then just say so. Please do not give mindless reasons for that, because, honestly, they are very nauseating, especially coming from a lady. Does it mean that monogamous marriages cannot produce excellent children? Is it quantity over quality? Lets produce as many Muslim children as possible, never mind how they turn out. The other important thing is, what are the many implications after a man practises polygamy. What happens if he fails to support of of his families? What happens if he simply divorces one of the wives? He might just gets tired of her and just choose the easy way out. Has happened before definitely. Is the state government unaware  that a man can just sms the divorce quote? Encouraging polygamy is one thing but what about the problems that might arise later on. How can women be protected from abuse by unscrupulous men. Can the religious authorities be powerful  and make a condition that, for example, if a man is found to be neglecting his duties to one of his family, like not providing for food and shelter, that he can be caught and be imprisoned? Shouldn't a man who neglects his duties be punished?

The general election is looming in the near future. Previously I thought that I just will not go out to vote. What's the point? Such are the state of affairs in Malaysia that I just lose trust in all the political parties. We have a government led by a kleptocrat. We have opposition parties in disarray, forever squabbling among themselves. The economy is down the drain and the country is heavily burdened by debts. We have religious authorities which are arrogant but whose intellectual capacity is embarrassingly very superficial. No, I have changed my mind. When state organs and lawmakers decide on issues like pasted below, without giving proper consideration into the adverse effects, I think must vote. Next polling day, I am going to the polling centre ASAP and I already know which party I am going to vote,

The following 2 articles are taken from The Star. 
I do not comment on the second article as it makes me speechless. However, it strengthens my determination to vote in the next GE. This kind of politician, like in the second article, thinks that the rakyat is all so stupid and that whatever absurd opinion they voice out, they will always still be powerful. They also think that being a Malay and a Muslim will always guarantee them protection from being ousted from power. 

Friday, 3 February 2017 | MYT 11:22 AM

Come To Kelantan If You Want To Take On More Wives, Muslim Men Told
KOTA BARU: Muslim men who are planning to take on more wives now have another place to go to when getting married.

Instead of going to several districts in southern Thailand, they can now head over to Kelantan where polygamy for the right reason is encouraged.

State Family Development, Welfare and the People's Wellbeing committee chairman Mumtaz Md Nawi said the state government would help men who wanted to get married, irrespective of whether they were bachelors, or were already married.

"This is to encourage the birth of more Muslim children," she added.

"The Kelantan Government will assist those who intend to have more children by taking second, third or fourth wives," said Mumtaz.

"We will give them comprehensive information and counselling to guarantee that the children from these marriages will turn out to be good Muslims.

"This move is also to discourage such husbands from going to a neighbouring country to marry as that would result in many problems including property divisions and the rights of the other wives," she said.

Mumtaz said this to reporters after attending the 17th Disabled Persons' Day that was launched by Kelantan Mentri Besar Datuk Ahmad Yakob on Thursday.

Mumtaz said the state government wanted to encourage more women to give birth to excellent children.

"It is not for men to take advantage of the policy by taking more wives simply to appease their lust."

She said marriages that were based on lust, and not responsibility, were bound to end up in divorce.

"A responsible husband and father is very important for children to grow up physically and spiritually healthy," she said.

Six years ago, the Kelantan Government created a furore by attempting to give incentives to those who wanted to practise polygamy.

The then senior exco member Wan Ubaidah Omar was reported as saying that the main condition for the incentive, which would include monetary assistance, was for the husbands to inform all the women involved of his marital status and at the same time, make it known to society.

The Star>NationHome > News > Nation Tuesday, 4 April 2017 | MYT 7:41 PM

MP: Okay for rapists to marry victims, even some 9-year-olds can marry

KUALA LUMPUR: There is nothing wrong with a rape victim marrying the rapist, according to a Barisan Nasional lawmaker who even suggested that some nine-year-olds were “physically and spiritually” ready for marriage.  

Tasek Gelugor MP Datuk Shabudin Yahaya, in trying to refute Dr Siti Mariah Mahmud (Amanah-Kota Raja), said that some 12- and 15-year-old girls looked older than their actual ages.  

 “When we discuss 12- and 15-year-olds, we don't see their physical bodies because some children aged 12 or 15, their bodies are like 18-year-old women," Shabudin told the Dewan Rakyat on Tuesday.

The former Syariah court judge added that some girls who reached puberty when they were as young as nine years old were “physically and spiritually” ready for marriage.  

“So it's not impossible for them to get married,” Shabudin said, adding that there was “nothing wrong” with a rape victim marrying the rapist as it could serve as a “remedy” to the increasing number of social problems.  

Shabudin said this when debating the Sexual Offences Against Children Bill 2017 after several Opposition lawmakers suggested amending it to include child marriages as an offence.  

He said that although rape is a criminal offence, the rapist and the victim should be “given a second chance to turn a new leaf in life".  

“Perhaps through marriage they can lead a healthier, better life. And the person who was raped does not necessarily have a bleak future. She will have a husband, at least, and this could serve as a remedy to growing social problems,” he said.  

Dr Siti Mariah, however, argued that allowing the rapist to marry the victim would not guarantee a better life.  

“I don’t agree with marrying off the victim to the rapist. If the rapist repents, maybe that’s fine, but what if the husband is ‘haprak’ (useless)?” she said.  

Teo Nie Ching (DAP-Kulai) cited two cases of the victims marrying the attackers, and argued that the marriages ended up becoming more problematic, causing more hurt.  

She said that one of the cases involved a 35-year-old man in Negri Sembilan who married a 14-year-old with a disability after allegedly raping her. The man then reportedly raped his 11-year-old sister-in-law and forced his wife to film him committing the act.  

Citing his experience as a judge, Shabudin, however, said that Teo should not generalise the issue as there have been many cases where such marriages did not end in divorce.  

“The girl becomes safer when she is married rather than when she is left alone. Don’t assume they (rapists) remain bad people,” he said.

Teo's motion to amend the Sexual Offences Against Children Bill to include child marriages as an offence was ultimately defeated by a voice vote.

Sexual Offences against Children Bill 2017 , Tasek Gelugor MP , Datuk Shabudin Yahaya , child marriage , Dewan Rakyat , Parliament , 12 year old

Sunday 18 June 2017

Adik Comot

Hi everyone! My name is Adik Comot and I am about three. In full, my name is Adik Comot Comel Benjamin. Wan Nyah reassures me, time and time again, that it is never her intention to disrespect or to snub me with the name Comot. It is a typical Malay name for felines with colouring similar to mine. In fact, it is very much a term of endearment for a very much-loved pet. When Wan Nyah was a kid, cats had simple names like Itam, Putih, Belang, Tompok, Kontot, etc. Nowadays cats have names that are long and sometimes quite a mouthful to pronounce. The "Adik" in my name is because I am the youngest of her 3 cats, while Benjamin is our family name. Wan Nyah added the "Comel" because according to her I am quite photogenic in most of my photos. Well, bragging aside, I think I agree with her on that 😀😀 he he he.

      Me, presently. Who would believe that the skinny kitten (image under 
       the third paragraph) was actually me at about 4 months old 

When you are healthy, happy and secured, you will feel great and you will look great. I think that is the case with me, Tam and Mickey. We were originally strays. Just ordinary domestic mixed-breed cats, but we thrive under Wan Nyah's love and care. To Wan Nyah, love and affection, however, should be unconditional and should never depends on looks, physique, breed or how expensive one was acquired. Wan Nyah often tells us that we are forever her kids and she will always love us. In health, in sickness, in youth, in old age, even if we are not pedigreed felines, good-looking or not good-looking. Every week Wan Nyah goes to the pasar malam or to the grocery shop to buy fish for us. She buys quite a lot, like 5kg or 6kg, which constitutes our fresh fish ration for a week. She would choose the freshest of fish available. Strangers would often ask her, if she is berniaga or she is making laksa. When she tells them the fish are for her cats, people repeatedly ask "Are they Persian cats? Bengal cats? The must have been very expensive". Wan Nyah is very offended and pissed off with such remarks as "Kucing kampung je?". The idea that only pure-bred expensive animals deserve good nutrition and tender loving care. Wan Nyah loves her cats because she loves animals, she raises her cats, she bonds closely with her cats and her cats are a part of her family. Being part of her family means her pets deserve the love and care of a family member. Even if she has the money, Wan Nyah would be reluctant to buy her pets, because there are so many strays all around us that need rescuing. Unless of course, the aim is to free the animals from being paraded in glass display cases in pet shops. Nowadays when people ask her the same question about the fish, Wan Nyah would answer "I'm making laksa for my 3 kids".

Well, back to myself, I came into Wan Nyah's life somewhere in the middle of 2014. I was very thin and had a bad case of diarrhoea. While foraging for food, I got separated from my mum and was wandering near Wan Nyah's backyard. She took me in and nursed me back to health. After vaccinating and spaying me, Wan Nyah tried to find a home for me but was unsuccessful. She then decided to adopt me as she felt that I too was meant to be her cat, just like Mickey and Tam. So, Wan Nyah's vow of not having another another cat ever again, which she made after losing her beloved Ben, flew swiftly out the window. Losing a pet is of course very tough, but then that is part of the natural cycle of life. In order to help other animals, Wan Nyah has to accept that reality. She may not be able to help many many animals but at least she helps me, Tam and Mickey and just look at the contentment on our faces nowadays.

    When Wan Nyah first found me

     A very hungry kitten

   After a month, blossoming into a sweet girl

     Tam the Cheeky trying to intimidate me

I am quite an affectionate feline. I always love rubbing myself against Wan Nyah every now and then. I would lie down near her when she reads or when she writes on her laptop. Even if she is retired, Wan Nyah likes to get up early because she feels the quietness of early morning hours is very spiritual and suitable for introspection, contemplation and meditation. Around seven, for about 45 minutes, she would tidy up the house and the compound as a simple form of exercise. All 3 of us would follow Wan Nyah everywhere, as she sweeps the compound, waters the grass and the plants, does whatever little gardening in our tiny backyard and tidies up the upstairs 2 rooms. It is also playtime for me and Tam. We would be running, jumping and wrestling one another, just like kittens. Bro Mickey just watches as he is a bit lazy. I am also inquisitive and likes to explore the house and the surrounding. The upstairs rooms have some bookshelves and a lot of boxes which Tam and I consider our playground and our bedrooms during the rainy season. I am not scared to venture into all the nooks and crannies of the rooms. Sometimes I find some awesome spots to relax and to sleep, under the bed, on top of the bookshelves or in some boxes. Mickey claims some of those those spots are his. I pretend I am ignorant and I just go and enjoy that particular corner nonchalantly. Sometimes I clash with Mickey but Wan Nyah always come to my rescue and scolds Mickey for smacking me. Mickey is a bit grumpy at times but when he is in a good mood he would playfully chase me around the house. He never catches me though as I am faster on my paws. Sometimes, a little mania overtakes me, I would be sprinting all around our tiny house from top to bottom, for no apparent reason. These euphoria episodes, lasting about 5 to 10 minutes, usually takes place very early in the morning when Wan Nyah is still asleep.

Where food is concerned, I am similar to Mickey. We are not fussy and we eat whatever Wan Nyah prepares for us. Kibbles are always in the food bowl though I am not very partial to it. Twice a day Wan Nyah feeds us steamed fish to ensure that we have a balanced nutrition. Wan Nyah believes that it is not very healthy for cats to eat only kibbles. The carbohydrate content in kibbles tend to make us fat. So far, me and Tam, we maintain our figures but Mickey is quite chubby. I used to have a rather weak stomach before but the condition is very much improved now.

   Wan Nyah loves doing collage and this is one of our Hari
     Raya cards for 2017 or Hijrah 1438

     Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri 1438/2017 from me, my siblings
       and Wan Nyah

So, this is my story so far. I have been with Wan Nyah, Mickey and Tam for about 3 years. I adore Wan Nyah and my siblings too. I pray that Wan Nyah will have lots more healthy independent years ahead of her. May she has more than enough money always for the expenditure of the four of us, her health care, her books, her little travels, her donations for other animal causes and her all other needs. May she has the means to foster more stray animals in future as animal welfare is always close to her heart. Wan Nyah considers 2017 as a good year for her and she is very very thankful for all the blessings in her life. The economic situation is indeed very worrying but Wan Nyah says we must not lose sight of the simple things in life that we often take for granted. Me and my siblings pray that many more amazing things and auspicious delightful events are in store for our very beloved human.

Today, Sunday, 18 June 2017 is the 23rd day of the fasting month of Hijrah 1438 and also Father's Day. Next Sunday, insya'allah, we will be celebrating Hari Raya Aidilfitri. So, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, maaf zahir batin, from me, my siblings and Wan Nyah, to all our online/Instagram/FB buddies consisting of various species, humans and otherwise as follows:

- Chewie, Achor, Tumi, Nunen, Kapas, Lala and gang of Putrajaya Colony, Kak Ain & Abg. Zam
- Casper in Sri Kembangan, Abg. Usup & Kak Farah
- Jibul the Otter, Christmas, Benny, Chot, all the other animals in Chandan, Kak Kin & Abg. Khairi
- Casper, Lela, Lily, Leggy, the 2 new puppies, all the other dogs, the fowls, the birds, the goats,         Along at the chicken farm in KS
- Ek, Adik, Tam the Cat and gang, Mak Andak & Uncle Amir
- Jack and his gang, Kak Ziela
- Chico and his gang in Ampang, Untie Lina

We absolutely adore all of you, Selamat Berbuka Puasa.

        Me at one of  Mickey's favourite spots

Friday 9 June 2017

Me and My Family (Moi et ma famille)

Bonjour à tous! Je m'appelle Mickey. Mon nom complet est Prince Mickey Benjamin. La publication d'aujourd'hui porte sur moi et ma famille. Jái dix ans. J'habite á  BSS Port Klang avec mes seours et notre humain bien-aimé, Wan Nyah. Mes seours, elles appellent Tam et Adik Comot. Elles ont trois ans. 

Hi everyone! Today this post is all about me and my family. My name is Mickey. Well, my full name is Prince Mickey Benjamin. Benjamin is the surname for all cats belonging to Wan Nyah who is our human. It was the name of her late feline which she loved very very much. So me and my two adopted sisters have Benjamin as our family name. I have the Prince at the beginning because Wan Nyah said I have a bit of a temper at times and I have that "haughty" air about me. Also because of my orange colouring which makes me look a bit princely according to her. Sometimes Wan Nyah teasingly addresses me as "Your Highness" or "Your Majesty". I don't really mind. I believe there should be some hierarchy in a household with more than one cat. I definitely expect some degree of respect from my two younger siblings, as well as from all those rude and unruly cats passing about my territory around our home in BSS.

Relaxing and sleeping are my
two favourite pastimes
Relaxer et dormir sont mes deux passe-temps préférés

Me, presently, the portly gentleman. My latest images.
Moi, maintenant! Je ne suis pas gros, je suis simplement mignon!

I am about ten. I was dumped in front of Wan Nyah's home in late 2010.  About a month after feeding me but keeping me outside on the porch, Wan Nyah decided to adopt me. When she took me to the vet for the necessary vaccination, the vet told her that I was around three at that time.

I was a skinny cat when Wan Nyah first adopted me in late 2010.
Moi, a la fin de 2010.

A few months after being adopted, I looked much better.
J'étais beaucoup mieux, quelques mois après avoir 
été adopté

So, Wan Nyah became my human and I became Wan Nyah's pet in late 2010. I believe the Lord brought me to Wan Nyah in order for me to have a change of fate, to have a much more decent life with a generously loving owner, after being carelessly dumped by some inconsiderate human. On the other hand, I was meant to heal and lift Wan Nyah's spirit. She was very heart-broken after losing Benjamin in middle 2010 that she vowed never to have another cat. The pain and trauma of having to euthanize Benjamin was too much for her. However, I worked very hard at winning her heart, using all my charming, graceful and persuasive personality. Honestly, it was a matter of survival for me as I have to figure out where my next cat meal is coming from. Deep in my heart I just knew that Wan Nyah is a gentle, loving and caring soul where animals are concerned. Truth of the matter is, if she has the means, she would have adopted all the stray cats and dogs around the housing area where we live.

Wan Nyah is besotted with all her cats, especially me.
Wan Nyah aime beaucoup tous ses chats, surtout moi.

For the first four years of my life with Wan Nyah, I was an only cat. At the end of 2013, Wan Nyah underwent Total Knee Replacement (TKR) surgery on her right knee, because of her worsening osteoarthritis. I was left at the boarding facility for ten days. Very stressful period for me. Usually I would be boarded for 4 or 5 days only, when Wan Nyah travels with her friends or family.  Stressful for Wan Nyah too, as she knew I hate to be caged, but, it was really something unavoidable. Wan Nyah made a promise that if the surgery goes smoothly and she recovers quickly, she would adopt another stray cat to be my companion. It would have to be a female. Wan Nyah feels that female stray cats have very hard lives indeed. They are forever having kittens, litter after litter of them and they have to struggle to scrape a living providing for themselves as well as their kittens.

My first introduction to the tuxedo kitten.
Le chouchou irritant de smoking que Wan Nyah a 
ramené en janvier 2014.

So in the middle of January 2014 Tam Benjamin became my adopted sister. At that time Tam was about 4 months old, a black-and-white tuxedo kitten. Wan Nyah took pains to slowly introduce us and she tried her best to make the transition, to a household with more than one cat, as comfortable as possible for me. I was very curious about Tam at the very beginning, but, she turned out to be a pleasant adopted sister after all. Tam was a good kitten, playful, a bit cheeky but very respectful of me. Always laying down low, always backing away every time I reprimanded her. She just understood the hierarchy in our household, which means I am the boss. That was 4 years ago. This coming October Tam will be four.

These images were shot may be 3 or 4 years ago
before Wan Nyah's retirement. I have slimmed
down a tiny bit because Wan Nyah controls how
much kibbles I eat.

About 5 months after Tam was adopted, a tiny female calico kitten was found wandering alone at the back of our house. Her mum was nowhere to be seen. She was very skinny, tired and very hungry and Wan Nyah didn't have the heart to shoo her away. Wan Nyah decided to foster her until she was strong enough and can be spayed and a home would be found for her. That was how Adik Comot Benjamin became my second adopted sister. What happened was, despite repeated attempts of trying to find a home for her on FB, nobody responded. That despite the fact that Adik Comot was already vaccinated and spayed, ready for adoption. It is indeed not easy to find a home for rescued animals. After a few months Wan Nyah decided to adopt Adik Comot too because Wan Nyah loves her very much and she worries that maybe Comot's potential owner might not be kind to her. Wan Nyah is definitely not rich but she loves her pets very much and takes very good care of them, as best as she can afford. Adik Comot is named such because of her smudgy colouring and because she is the youngest among us three. She is actually about 4 months younger than Tam.

Me and my adopted sisters
Moi et mes seours adoptées
Where I am concerned, I find Adik Comot a little irritating at times. She is really budak tak reti basa. She likes to relax at certain spots in the house, which I have long ago designated as mine. She refuses to bulge even when I have voiced out my displeasure about her conduct. Sometimes I smack her a little, when Wan Nyah is not looking that is, just to teach her a lesson. Sometimes I bite her tail or her legs because she disturbs me when I am about to eat. Of course Wan Nyah reprimands me afterwards. Whatever.

Wan Nyah, our beloved human
Wan Nyah, notre humain bien-aimé. En passant, Wan
Nyah signifie Tante
So, this is the little story about me, my sisters and Wan Nyah. We live in a small house in this housing estate at the mouth of a river and very near the ocean. We live very modestly as Wan Nyah is only a civil service retiree. Wan Nyah is a spinster and therefore there are only the four of us in this house, 3 cats and 1 human. Whatever we lack in material things is being generously compensated with love, affection and tender loving care from Wan Nyah to us and vice versa. Well, that's all for this time. I will continue my story in some other posts as I worry this post will be too long-winded if I continue.

Thursday 8 June 2017

Of Hope and Looking Forward to Life

This poem by William Ernest Henley still touches my heart, despite its
miserable tones and its darkness

Today, Thursday 8 June 2017, is the thirteenth day of the fasting month of 2017 and Hijrah 1438. Thank you my Lord that I am still here. This morning, I can get up all by myself, I can walk to the bathroom all by myself and do whatever I need to do all by myself. Those things might seem very trivial, but I realised there are people who cannot do that by themselves. I try my best, everyday, not to forget these little things. I am glad my Lord, that there is a little hope in my heart and there is this little tiny cheerful tune in it too that looks forward to life. A little warm vibration in my soul tells me every life is precious and that each and every one should cherish his or her existence irrespective of how old he or she is, whatever challenges he or she faces. We live in a culture that worships youth and beauty and we make growing old so terrible and unattractive. Being young, slim and beautiful are pinnacles of modern living. I definitely have more wrinkles, more grey hairs and saggy skin now, but, this is a part of my being on this planet and I choose to experience it as graceful as possible. I must not lie that there were times in the past that I too have viewed old age as the end of experiencing joy of being alive. I still remember one of my former bosses who looked down on me because at that time I was in my early fifties and he was 10 years younger than me. Age is indeed just a number. It should be noted that maturity and wisdom do not characterise age. There are a lot of old people who don't seem to grow wiser from whichever perspective and there are a lot of young people who don't make full use of their youths to learn and grow and they are indeed older than old.

Me,through the ages..... 

To be very honest, I appreciate and value myself much better now than when I was much younger. For example, I have stopped beating myself up for making some bad decisions. To reflect upon it, at that point in time, there was just no other alternative or I just lacked the experience to tackle the matter differently or I was just too impulsive as I wanted to resolve the issue ASAP. Of course, when the consequence of that decision was terrible, you just couldn't help blaming yourself for it. But on the other hand, there were times I made wise choices too and I stood my ground when others tried to sway my decisions. Despite my tendency to worry too much about life, I did manage to stay focused and deal with some adversities. Despite all the stress, the depression and the stumbling blocks, tenacity is a virtue that I can easily identify with, thanks a million trillion, my Lord. Whatever character flaws I have, I can count on being tenacious as one of my strengths.

I have also come to terms with all the painful experiences with my adopted mother. I do not feel that much anger with her anymore. The past is past. It shouldn't hinder my presence and my future from any peace and happiness. I take full responsibility for my life and I have chosen to accept those experiences as part of the growth and learning processes. They were painful, no doubt about it, but they also shaped the person that I am today. Would I choose to live those experiences again, given the choice? No, definitely not, never. They were very tough life lessons but they were a part of me and I'm okay with that now. This particular realisation is indeed something huge for me and, my Lord, thank you for softening my heart a little bit. A few years back, I would not have believed that I ever could write this paragraph! 2017 is a good year for me. My learning curve is going up with this acceptance of my past. Something really major actually. There are still a lot things I need to learn about myself. My search continues my Lord.

Thank you too, for giving me the strength and tenacity to take a better care of my health. I have managed to lose about 10 kg in the space of about 4 months, between May and September 2016 and so far after that, I have been able to keep my weight around 58 kg, which is my ideal weight. It was no mean feat though and thank you my Lord for giving me the resolve and determination to stick to better eating habits and some simple exercise routines at home. My blood pressure is much much better and the dosage of the medication is reduced. It can't be denied that losing weight makes you feel better about yourself, in the sense that it does wonders to your self-esteem. However your weight should not increase or decrease your value as a human being. You still possess your own values, characters and personalities whether you're obese or you're anorexic. Obesity is closely linked to many health problems and thus losing weight has valid reasons rather than just for vanity.

This selfie was taken in about 2 weeks ago. I am about
3 months away from my 63rd birthday.

I am looking forward to the future. I work at trying to keep myself as healthy as possible. I hope I still have a lot of healthy, independent years ahead of me.There are always my beloved pets around to love and to care for, many many stray animals to help, still many many places to go, many many books to read, still a million trillion things to ponder about, a lot of questions still unanswered, time yet to be spent with my siblings and my precious nephews, nieces and friends and a lot of efforts still need to be expanded for my self improvements. I am just a humble pensioner, not rich, not clever and nothing much in terms of spectacular achievements. However, the fact that I can find a little joy in my heart, with what little I have and with the ordinariness of my daily existence, I am very very grateful to you my Lord.

Sunday 26 February 2017

Food for Thought 26022017

The first article below is taken from the news portal Free Malaysia Today, while the second is from the Malay Mail. 

My comments? 
We are all humans on this earth with all our human failings and weaknesses. We should extend compassion to our fellow human beings. But these religious authorities' actions only reflect brutality and inhumane attitudes. They think they are very moral and very fair, when in reality they are worse than the people they are trying to persecute. It is also not hard to notice, that they only go after the weak, the vulnerable, the poor people. Other than that I have no other comments. I am just speechless.

Ini Masanya Ajar JAWI Hukum 
by Farouk A. Peru 
Free Malaysia Today Feb. 22, 2017

Di Malaysia, Islam diberi keutamaan yang tinggi sebagai faktor identiti orang Melayu.

Menerusi pendidikan yang menekankan taklid (pengikutan doktrin tanpa menyoal), orang Melayu-Islam membesar dengan kekurangan kebolehan menyoal ustaz dan ustazah.

Tanyalah apa sahaja, mereka akan diberitahu yang mereka akan menjadi “sesat” jika tidak menerima terus ajaran guru agama mereka.

Dengan situasi ini, Melayu-Islam juga menjadi pentaksub kepada pihak berkuasa agama. Mereka beranggapan, tanpa otoriti agama untuk menguruskan hidup mereka, masyarakat Melayu akan menjadi huru-hara.

Golongan agamawan mendapat satu tahap kepercayaan yang amat tinggi daripada mereka.

Inilah sebabnya berlaku serbuan pegawai Jabatan Agama Wilayah Persekutuan (Jawi) pada pada 1.30 pagi, 8 Januari lepas.

Insiden itu hangat diperbahaskan di media sosial. Selalunya, rakyat Malaysia bukan Islam akan menzahirkan perasaan terkejut atau kasihan kepada orang Melayu-Islam yang menjadi mangsa pihak berkuasa agama tetapi kali ini, orang Melayu-Islam sendiri lantang meluahkan perasaan tidak puas hati mereka terhadap kezaliman Jawi.

Peristiwa ini berlaku di sebuah hotel bajet di Kuala Lumpur dan melibatkan sepasang suami isteri, Mohd Ridhuan Giman and Siti Sarah Maulad Abdullah, yang sudah berkahwin selama 3 tahun.

Jawi melakukan satu serbuan rutin dengan 8 pegawai, 7 daripadanya lelaki. Mereka mengetuk dengan kuat pintu bilik hotel berkenaan. Pasangan yang berada di dalam meminta belas kasihan pegawai Jawi untuk memberi masa supaya mereka dapat menutup aurat.

Malangnya, pegawai Jawi tidak menghiraukan permintaan mereka dan masuk ke dalam bilik mereka secara kekerasan.

Siti Sarah, yang hanya berpakaian singlet dan seluar pendek semasa Jawi menyerbu, cuba menutup badannya tetapi pegawai Jawi dengan biadap mengambil gambarnya bersama video.

Ini berlaku walapun si suami, Ridhuan, menunjukkan foto sijil kahwin (yang dikeluarkan oleh Jawi sendiri!) mengesahkan mereka berkahwin.

Ridhuan cuba menghalang pegawai Jawi daripada mengambil gambar isterinya untuk menjaga kehormatannya tetapi pegawai Jawi menggunakan kekerasan untuk menghalangnya.

Ridhuan mendakwa dia dicekik pegawai Jawi sehingga lehernya cedera. Siti Sarah pula disuruh pegawai wanita memakai pakaian dalam bilik mandi mereka tetapi dia menolak kerana bilik itu mempunyai dinding kaca sahaja dan boleh dilihat pegawai lelaki.

Pasangan ini dipaksa ke balai polis untuk dilaporkan walaupun mereka mempunyai kad perakuan nikah. Laporan ini mengatakan mereka “berkhalwat” iaitu satu kesalahan hanya untuk pasangan yang belum berkahwin!

Selepas itu, mereka dipaksa ke pejabat Jawi di mana mereka disoal di bilik yang berasingan selama sejam. Ibu Ridhuan datang ke pejabat Jawi dengan membawa sijil perkahwinan mereka yang asal tetapi itu pun tidak diterima. Dia diminta memberi jaminan sebanyak RM3,000 untuk melepaskan pasangan itu.

Akhirnya mereka dilepaskan tetapi mereka perlu hadir di mahkamah syariah pada 17 Januari.

Saya sudah banyak mendengar berita mengenai kekerasan dan kebiadapan pegawai penguatkuasa agama.

Saya hairan kerana peristiwa di atas adalah satu perkara yang mudah dielak. Semasa pegawai Jawi mengetuk pintu, pasangan itu sepatutnya diberi masa 5 minit untuk mendapatkan sebarang bukti yang ada pada mereka buat ketika itu.

Dalam kes di atas, mereka sememangnya ada gambar sijil yang dikeluarkan oleh Jawi sendiri. Apakah sebabnya mereka terpaksa menerima layanan yang begitu buruk?

Jawapan kepada soalan ini amatlah ringkas – kerana gila kuasa. Sudah terlalu lama pegawai agama diberi kuasa mutlak untuk menjalankan aktiviti “skodeng” mereka. Sudah banyak aduan tentang kebiadapan mereka.

Mereka memberi layanan buruk kepada mangsa mereka. Dalam kes pekerja seks, baik wanita mahupun transgender, mereka diberi layanan yang mencabul maruah mereka.

Ini menunjukkan pegawai agama tidak mementingkan prosedur betul tetapi hanya menggunakan pekerjaan mereka untuk menunjukkan sifat rakus sahaja.

Mungkinkah ini yang berlaku dalam kes Siti Sarah di mana dia tidak diberi kesempatan menutup aurat? Apakah tujuan mengambil gambar dan videonya dengan tidak menutup aurat?

Kalaupun mereka berkhalwat, bukankah cukup ada 4 saksi yang mereka berdua-duan? Ini ada 8 orang saksi, itu pun mereka mahukan gambar.

Seperti pernah dikatakan Mufti Perlis, Datuk Dr Asri Zainul Abidin, serbuan sebegini bercanggah dengan ajaran Islam. Saya bersetuju kerana Al-Quran memerintahkan kita memberi salam sebelum masuk ke dalam ruang orang lain, dan jika mereka tidak memberi keizinan, maka kita tidak patut masuk ke ruang itu (Surah An-Nur, ayat 27-28).

Mengapakah pegawai agama tidak menghiraukan ayat suci ini? Jawapannya mudah, kerana aktiviti “skodeng” tidak selari dengan ajaran Islam yang sebenar.

Allah mempunyai hikmah dengan melarang kita daripada masuk campur dalam hal orang lain.

Jawi dan pegawai yang terlibat dalam kes ini dalam proses disaman oleh pasangan tersebut.

Rakyat Malaysia banyak menutup mata terhadap kelakuan melampau pegawai agama. Malangnya, mereka makin lama, makin kertelaluan.

Cop Falls To Death, Another Critically Hurt While Fleeing 

Published: December 6, 2016 01:56 PM GMT+8
- See more at:

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 6 ― A police officer died while fleeing a vice raid by Selangor religious enforcers early this morning, Malay daily Berita Harian reported today.

Officers from the Selangor Islamic Religious Department (Jais) were raiding a unit at the fourth floor of an apartment in Pandan Perdana here at 3am when they saw through an open window a man laid on the ground.

The report said a woman found in the room admitted that the man was her lover who had tried to escape from the religious enforcers.

The man, said to be from the Bukit Jalil police station, was pronounced dead at 6.45am after he was brought to the Ampang Hospital.

In a separate raid in Taman Puchong Perdana, another police officer was found injured after jumping to flee from Jais officers.

His condition was reported to be critical.

Jais director Datuk Haris Karim confirmed both incidents but refused to comment following full investigations.

The conduct and lawfulness of Jais’ raids against the offence of khalwat, or close proximity between unmarried couples, is currently under spotlight following several dubious break-ins and arrests in the past few years.

Just April this year, actress Faye Kusairi became the victim of false accusation of khalwat, after Jais officer broke into her family duplex condominium in the wee hours of morning. She was not even home at that time.

As of September this year, internal probe by Jais decided that its officers did not breach any standard operating procedures, a volte-face from its previous stance. Faye will now proceed with a civil suit against the religious enforcers.

Thursday 19 January 2017

My Happiness For Today

Nothing much to write today, except that, thank you so much my Lord, for the simple, humble things in my life. They are my worldly possessions and I am forever grateful that they bring me contentment despite the fact that I am neither rich nor clever.

Food For Thought At The Beginning Of 2017

The following are some newspaper articles which I find very interesting. Just couldn't help myself uploading them onto this blog.

Why I Support Maryam Lee’s Non-Fasting Protest
By Farouk A.Peru
Published: July 1, 2016 07:35 AM GMT+8
See more at:

JULY 1 ― It has been a more dismal week than usual for Malaysian Islam. There was an exhibition in Kedah where Muslims were invited to kiss the holy footprint of Prophet Muhammad. Unusually and commendably, the Islamic Department of Kedah actually warned against it although strangely, they did not dispatch any enforcers to stop this obviously unIslamic practice. Perhaps the enforcers were busy monitoring Muslims who were sneakily not fasting. Or perhaps they are too afraid of losing Muslim support?

Before I explain why I support Maryam Lee’s protest, I would just like to say that I have a deep admiration for Muslim women who unflinchingly stand against Islamofascism. Amina Wadud Muhsin, the famous female Imamah, withstood many death threats and harassment; she never wavered from her stand. Our very own Sisters in Islam has been facing up to the Islamic Patriarchal Elite for more than three decades. And now we have a new generation of Muslim feminists, one of whom is Maryam Lee.

The first thing we should note is that Maryam Lee did not break Islamic law. In Traditional Islam, women are actually forbidden (i.e. it is haram for them) to pray and fast during menstruation. According to Maryam, it is also not a crime for a Muslim woman to eat and drink during Ramadan either. What does exist, however, is an unspoken rule. This is the intangible policy which manifested as a moral obstruction to Maryam’s act.

So what really happened? According to Maryam, she was making a conscious act of protest. During her “time of the month”, she went to a restaurant in and ordered some food. The manager, who was rude to her from the start, served her lunch but literally tossed the plate of food on her table. He then asked if she was Malay (a strong indicator of racial-religious signals here, take note) and then proceeded to berate her. Her non-Muslim friend was told to shut up and not get involved. His excuse was, he could get raided by the authorities for serving a Muslim during Ramadan!

As if that was not enough, a total stranger came up to Maryam and proceeded to berate her as well. His excuse was, her act would tarnish the image of Islam in front of the general public! How exactly is not easily deduced by logic. Would they be tempted less by a Muslim woman who ate and drank than if a non-Muslim did so? Also, would the image of Islam be actually improved if we can show how magnanimous we are?

Surprisingly, much of the social media response to this report was to focus on Maryam’s so-called “provocation.” Apparently, Maryam should not have provoked the Muslims by eating while they were fasting. We should first ask the question, did she loudly shout the shahada (Muslim profession of faith) before eating? Of course not! Her only “tell” was that she was wearing the headscarf. The headscarf is not the sole domain of the conservative Muslims.

Secondly, is she entitled to consume during Ramadan? God himself entitles her to do so although God’s self-proclaimed agents do not. Not once but twice in the Quran when fasting is mentioned (Chapter 2, Verses 183-185), for those who are indisposed, flexibility is afforded to them. Not just for the indisposed but for those who are travelling as well.

Even Islamic Tradition, which is usually at odds with the Quran, supports the notion that if one is hard pressed, one may break his fast. This can happen with diabetics or with those with low blood pressure who need water to prevent them from fainting. So it is actually OK with God Himself. Who is it not OK with?

The unsurprising answer is the Malaysian Islamofascist authorities. They have taken it upon themselves to be a nuisance by raiding restaurants and catching out Muslims who are not fasting. What if the person was a diabetic who needed a quick blood sugar spike? What if she was a woman who simply could not fast? Does she have to bring her menstrual pad to prove her case? This is the ridiculous level of thinking which we will be forced to take if we followed the logic of these authorities.

And then, of course ISMA had to show its own repressive policies. ISMA has never been sympathetic to women. Abdullah Zaik, after all, feels that women’s roles should be in the home. Having them in public spaces may arouse men and cause disharmony, he probably thinks.

In ISMA’s article against Maryam Lee, a slew of scholars were invoked to say that Muslim women who cannot fast should not consume in public because it may tempt Muslims. Not a single Quranic verse nor even a directly relevant hadith was quoted.

This shows the utter paucity of evidence from the Islamofascists. It is best they take leave during Ramadan and never leave their homes in case they get tempted. MAS workers who are prone to sleeping on the job, take note. You now have a “valid” excuse.

For the past three decades or so, Malay Muslims have been told by their Islamic priests how special they are and how the rest of the country needs to acquiesce and allow them to do as they please. Coupled with the influence of a corrupt government who gave them a sense of entitlement, the Malay Muslim is now acting with the maturity of a spoilt and petulant child.

Maryam Lee’s protest was indeed provocative but it is the first step towards waking them up. The counter-privileging against the conservative Malay-Muslims will hopefully show them that while we must respect their right to fast, they must equally respect our prerogative not to, if we choose to take it.

* This is the personal opinion of the columnist.

Published: March 5, 2016 07:32 AM GMT+8
- See more at:

MARCH 5 — Warning: If this column starts to sound like you have read it before and you think that you are having a déjà vu moment, you are probably right. It sometimes feels like a broken record dealing with and responding to our recalcitrant and wayward religious authorities.

We have just been told that it is a crime to publish, and to read the Quran in non-Arabic languages without accompanying Arabic text.

Stop the press! All printing of the Quran in Chinese, Spanish, Afrikaans, Russian, Chechen, Indonesian and English around the world must cease! After all, if it is supposedly a wrong practise here, it must be wrong elsewhere too. After all, Islam is a global religion.

The recent warning from Harussani Zakaria, chairman of the Home Ministry’s Al-Quran Printing, Control and Licensing Board, is representative of what’s gone wrong with the practise and teaching of Islam in this country.

While Muslims in other countries are busy making their religion increasingly accessible, friendly and inclusive to those not of the Islamic faith, our religious authorities are moving in the exact opposite direction.

Far from sounding enlightened, progressive and welcoming, individuals such as Harussani are making Islam in Malaysia sound and appear to others as arrogant, irrational, suspicious and disdainful of other religions.

Maybe Harussani is more knowledgeable than I am in this matter, but I am almost certain that this kind of paternalistic approach is neither in accordance with the teachings of Prophet Muhammad nor adhering to the principles of Islam. But what do I know? I don’t write or understand Arabic so Harussani can perhaps provide some enlightenment.

I am tired of our religious authorities treating Islam like it is some exclusive club and they alone determine who gets to join and the conduct of those who are members. Historically, we have seen this behaviour before where the clergy of an institutionalised religion attempts to impose a monopoly on faith and its teachings under the guise of “only the learned and knowledgeable” (i.e themselves) can communicate with God and not be led astray.

The reality has less to do with God but more to do with the very earthly pursuit of power and control over others. Over the years, the ever-expanding sphere of influence of Islamic institutions in Malaysia have gone increasingly unchecked and it can be argued that through their actions, have repeatedly violated Constitutional limitations and even expressed disdain for those limits. Yet, very few have dared to challenge them and even fewer have stood to defend those who have done so. Just ask Rosli Dahlan.

I have travelled to many places in the world where Islam has taken root and flourished. Based on my own understanding, Islam is not and has never been about exclusivity and superiority of faith.

It is arguably a violation of Islamic teachings to insist on exclusivity as touted by Harussani as it prevents others from acquiring knowledge, learning and understanding Muslims and Islam.

The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) himself, through his own documented practises and teachings, practised inclusivity, humility, and believed in the importance of knowledge and most importantly, sharing it with others.

Exclusivity results in misunderstanding, ignorance, conflict, bigotry and irrational fear. It breeds contempt for others and arrogance.

One of the most common complaints and gripes by the Islamic authorities and clergy in this country is that they are frequently misunderstood and that others must seek understand and learn about Islam Fair argument, until you make important texts like the Quran inaccessible. Read the notice from the Kementerian Dalam Negeri again and you will realise that what it is actually saying is that reading the Quran is off limits to non-Muslims (need to take Islamic ritual ablutions to touch and read the Quran) and to those not proficient in the Arabic language.

Speaking of reading, I have struggled to explain to those who are non-Muslims how it is possible for a person to be able to read the Arabic in the Quran yet not understand a single word of it.

Because that is how the Quran is often taught (can a person be taught when the language of the lesson itself is not understood?) here in this country.

Harussani’s statement itself affirms that you can read without understanding and it is okay. I really don’t understand that and never have. Wouldn’t it be meaningless without understanding the words of what you are reading? Maybe it’s just me but that is my individual cross to bear.

Oh, final question for the mandarins of the Kementerian Dalam Negeri: is it also a crime to download digital versions of the Quran such as eBooks or apps in other languages? Are we allowed to think for ourselves or do we need to ask for your permission?

Those who demand for exclusivity and impose such restrictions and monopolies of knowledge convey a lack of depth in their awareness and understanding of how Islam is practised elsewhere around the globe and of its co-existence with other world religions.

Get a grip.

* This is the personal opinion of the columnist.

By: Farouk A. Peru
Published: February 12, 2016 07:14 AM GMT+8-
See more at:

FEBRUARY 12 ― When any industry gets inundated with players, the quality of its products can be very questionable. It was true with the PC industry when IBM PC opened its doors to compatibles thus giving way to some very sub-par products.

It was also true in the movie industry when stellar movies inevitably inspired copycats. The Blair Witch Project and Sixth Sense were pioneers in this regard and inspired a number of inferior films.

This is also unfortunately true with the industry of religion. While there are some very inspiring speakers who can motivate the layperson to become a better human being, there are also those who tap into the religious market by providing sheer entertainment. They, perhaps unknowingly, act like buffoons in order to boost their popularity.

What makes a religious buffoon? While some may point to the speakers’ demeanour and style, I have to disagree.

Humour can actually make difficult subjects much easier to digest, in my experience. I have a vast collection of “Idiots Guides” and “For Dummies” books which attest to that fact!

No, rather buffoonery comes from the puerility of the subject matter and worse, the superficial manner in which it is handled.

Like any economic endeavour, the religious industry needs to keep coming up with fresh products to keep the target market interested else it becomes stale or irrelevant.

The inspiration for this piece came earlier this week in my Facebook feed which I use to observe the religious social media. I chanced upon a lecture by this ustaz (religious teacher) who claimed that the voices of women is considered “aurat” in Islam.

“Aurat” is an imported word from Arabic which means “modest or private area” in everyday lingo. The ustaz who seemed to be talking to an exclusively male audience, claimed that if a male were to engage in a telephone conversation with a woman ― however innocent the conversation may be ― that man would be sexually aroused.

He then asked a member of the audience if this was true and the answer came in the negative. Instead of accepting that different people have different levels of acceptable stimuli, the ustaz then accused that gentleman of having a low sex drive!

The next person the ustaz questioned hurriedly replied to the affirmative that indeed women’s voices can be seductive. The ustaz then added that not only are women’s voices arousing, they can actually cause a man to emit pre-ejaculate!

One wonders how this ustaz survives in daily life. When he goes to a restaurant and a waitress inquires about his order, would he then be in a state of arousal?

But it does not end there. The ustaz manages to surreptitiously add in some misogynistic elements to the seemingly receptive audience.

At that point, he adds that that is the reason we cannot have female leaders and khateebas (women who give sermons) unless the congregation is all female. The measure of a society’s backwardness is apparently when women take the helm of leadership, he asserts.

This is from the same individual who criticises women for shaping their eyebrows, claiming that it is physical modification! Comparing eyebrow shaping with plastic surgery must be the very definition of puerile and superficial.

The phenomenon of the religious buffoon is, in reality, an indictment on the society which produces it. Without the religious consumer, these people would need to find real jobs, perhaps in the entertainment industry given their talents to amuse listeners.

The only difference is the entertainment industry actually provides some benefit in that it gives us a means to relieve stress and to enjoy ourselves.

These religious buffoons, however, can actually cause damage with their sinister remarks. With the aforementioned ustaz for example, male members of his audience may actually force their beliefs on female members of their respective families.

This is when simple entertainment translates into social detriment. Malay-Muslims need to stay away from such folks.

*This is the personal opinion of the columnist.
buffoon (n): a clown, a jester, a fool, a ridiculous person.
buffoonery (n): a ridiculous behaviour which can be amusing.