I am master of my fate, I am captain of my soul (from a poem by William Ernest Hendley)
There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul ( quote by Ella Wheeler Wilcox)

Saturday 19 January 2019

Why Do I Love My Cats?

I like lists. Today's list is the reasons why I love my cats.

The warm bundle of joy. My five-year-old tuxedo girl, Tam.
I love my cats...............
  1. because I cannot imagine living a life, without loving animals
  2. because loving and bonding with my pets comes naturally to me
  3. because most of the time I think my cats (and animals in general) have better characters than a lot of humans
  4. because each of my cats has its own personality and each has its own accentricity. They are just adorable to get to know. 
  5. because when I return home there is always a committee welcoming me
  6. because they are clean animals and they spend a lot of time grooming themselves. It is a lesson in persistence and sticking to routines. An exercise in mindfulness.
  7. because every so often, someone rubs himself or herself against my feet
  8. because we I call out to them, at times they would run back to me (even though many other times they just pretend they are deaf and ignore me 😊)
  9. because sometimes they sleep with me, especially on rainy days
  10. because when I'm reading someone will climb on to the back of the chair and lick my hair
  11. because when they are sleeping they look so peaceful and gorgeous my love for them becomes Mount Everest
  12. because my cats teach me a little on how to relax
  13. because when they play together, mock attacking, romping around, I feel my heart would burst with happiness
  14. because when I kiss them when they are asleep they make a very affectionate sound, even though they do not open their eyes
  15. because they purr and that is such a delicious sensation
  16. because when something saddens me, they are there, accepting me all the same
  17. because when I groom them, they close their eyes and lie down quietly enjoying the combing, touching and rubbing, they enjoy themselves
  18. because sometimes they sniff me out or nuzzle me with their moist noses
  19. because they follow me around when I clean the compound
  20. because they love to sleep on clothes which I have worn
  21. because I can be fat or thin, pretty or not pretty, gregarious or socially awkward, single or married or an old spinster, my cats will accept me, I am their human
  22. because I just love them, I don't really need a reason 😀

Of course, all that being said, loving a pet also means loving and taking care of them when they are sick or injured. Or even when they are old. Being patient with them when they scratch your furniture or when they spray onto your car tyres or once in a while they fail in their toilet habits . Using alternative methods as a deterrent, such as using squirt water bottle and never beating them when they misbehave. A pet is always part of the family and should always be treated as one.

The wise, mature gentleman, my beloved Mickey Benjamin

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