I am master of my fate, I am captain of my soul (from a poem by William Ernest Hendley)
There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul ( quote by Ella Wheeler Wilcox)

Thursday 17 May 2018

Note To My Grand-Nephew

Dear Harris,
By the time you are able to read this, I might or might not still be around. I like to think that I will be healthy and independent and still be around to see you grow up. Only the Lord knows that and I am OK with whatever he has in store for me. I hope the Malaysian education system will be revamped properly enough by the new Pakatan Harapan government, so that you will be able to speak and write at least English by the time you are a young teenager. Hopefully you can even speak another international language, may be Mandarin, Japanese, French or Spanish. Of course if you go to an international school, you will speak very good English. The only issue is that it is very very expensive.

First and foremost, let me introduce myself. I am your Atah Nyah. I am your great aunt. Your mum is my niece and your grand-dad, maternal side, is my younger brother. You were born on 27th April 2018 at 8.57pm. It was a day before the nomination day for the country's 14th General Election. By the next month, the six-decade long governing by the Barisan Nasional crumbles and was taken over by the coalition of opposition known as Pakatan Harapan. According to your mum, it wasn't an easy birth, as she had to endure 14 hours of labour. Wow..... something isn't? Whatever it is we are all very happy that you are here and you and your mum are both doing fine. At this juncture, you're the second grandchild of the family and you have a four-year old female cousin, Zara Azalea or Princess Yaya. Another cousin is expected in September, being Princess Yaya's younger brother or sister. That is on your mum's side. On your dad's side, I think you already have quite a number of cousins.

That is you, in the arms of your Ayah Long. Probably just a few hours
after you were born. The little girl is your cousin Yaya.

Your Atah Nyah will be 64 in four months time. Hmmm........ 😊 quite old  isn't it? I am retired from the Civil Service. I am single, a bit weird and a bit eccentric. I lived on my own with my three cats in a little house at the mouth of a river in Port Klang. Your Atah Nyah is a strong introvert, socially awkward and a bit of a reclusive. I love animals and I am an empath where animal suffering is concerned. I immensely feel their pain. My great hope is that you too will grow up to be an animal lover yourself, just like your mum and your Ayah Long.

I will keep this post short. Perhaps I will write other notes to you as you grow up.

Atah Nyah
17th May 2018
(you're 20 days old today)

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