I am master of my fate, I am captain of my soul (from a poem by William Ernest Hendley)
There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul ( quote by Ella Wheeler Wilcox)

Thursday 19 January 2017

When Everything Has To Be Monitored

This article pasted below is from The Star Online. My thoughts are in blue at the bottom.

Unmarried Muslim Couples On Motorbikes In Terengganu Should Behave

The Star Online
Nation Home > News > Nation Wednesday, 18 January 2017 | MYT 3:34 PM

KUALA TERENGGANU: Unmarried Muslim couples should control their emotions and keep their hands to themselves while riding on motorcycles, said state Religious Affairs Department (JHEAT) Commissioner Datuk Wan Mohd Wan Ibrahim.

Wan Mohd added that such couples should also refrain from putting their hands into the pockets of their lover's jacket as such acts were against the teachings of Islam.

He said on Wednesday that a team of enforcement officers would be conducting "Ops Bonceng" to catch Muslim couples who are acting indecently on motorcycles.

Wan Mohd added that JHEAT will go all out to nab unmarried Muslim couples acting indecently, and said that indecent acts included hugging or leaning over with their hands in the jacket pockets of their lover.

"We have a team of enforcement officers who will be watching these couples from a distance and recording them before informing another team of officers who are at the roadblocks with Road Transport Department (JPJ) officers," said Wan Mohd.

He added that the team would operate without cameras at this time as only eyewitness testimony is sufficient proof in court, but said that cameras would be used as the recordings would then be used in court.

Wan Mohd said that no action would be taken on unmarried Muslim couples who were seated in a decent way on the motorcycle.

He however added that these couples would be advised to refrain from sitting closely as such an act could lead to acts such as sexual intercourse and having children out of wedlock.

"We will advise unmarried Muslim couples to not ride pillion as it doesn't portray a good image. That is our job and we are doing this because prevention is better than cure," said Wan Mohd.

He added that the same would be done for Muslim couples seated indecently in cars.

A Muslim person found to be acting indecently and inappropriately can be charged under Section 34 of the Syariah Criminal Offences (Ta'zir) (Terengganu) Enactment 2001.

Wan Mohd also reminded Muslim women in Terengganu to be more cautious about how they dressed, as Muslim women should not wear body-hugging and tight fitting jeans which show off parts of the body or the shape of their figure,

"We have given ample reminders, but we still find Muslim women disobeying the dress code under Section 35 of the same Enactment," said Wan Mohd.

Similar views were shared by JHEAT chief enforcement officer Nik Zulhaiza Ismail, who added that he had not been contacted by any online portals on the matter.

He said that reports which stated that all unmarried couples would be nabbed are incorrect.

Meanwhile state Communications, Multimedia & Special Duties Committee chairman Ghazali Taib said what the department plans to do is right and is within their jurisdiction.

"Such acts are against Islam and are an eyesore. Many were given advice so that they can realise their mistake," he said.

It totally and absolutely amazed me that JHEAT has the time and money to embark on this OPS BONCENG (sounds more like a police or a JPJ operation to me). But then, the various Jabatan Agama Islam in Malaysia has a total budget of almost RM1 billion this year, if I am not wrong. Of course they have the money. They have also become very powerful that they can even stop motorists and they can raid individual homes. May be later JPJ and the police too will come under these religious bodies, I won't be surprised.

If sex and unwanted pregnancy are the issues here, why not conduct a thorough research on why unwanted pregnancies happen to Muslim girls. The Jabatan Agama Islam with all the staffs and the huge budget, I am sure is capable of handling that. Have they ever done that? Go to the grass-root level of the problem and with the sincere intention of assisting and really finding out what are the actual causes of the problem. Is it Valentine Day celebration, is it New Year celebration, is it wearing lipstick, is it wearing high-heel shoes?

Lets look at the issue of unwanted pregnancies as a whole, since the religious bodies in Malaysia are very concerned about this. There are many causes. It may be sexual abuse or rape. Have the religious authorities ever try to find out about sexual abuse, rape or incest? May be drugs and alcohols are involved. Immature and irresponsible behaviours especially among teenagers may be the culprits too. It may be due to lack of knowledge and awareness. There is no provision of comprehensive information about sex. Many teens believe they will not get pregnant if they engage in sex. Many succumb to peer pressure and they have sex to appear cool and sophisticated. Even low self-esteem can be viewed as a risk factor for individuals to become involved in risky sexual behaviours which may lead to unwanted pregnancies.

Weak family relationships might also contribute to unwanted pregnancies especially in teens. Lack of discipline or lack of attention and affection might result in adolescents seeking love and support elsewhere, especially from members of the opposite sex. Dysfunctional childhood environment, poverty, lack of education can all be the contributing factors too. It is also important to note that, it is always the female that has to carry the stigma and the burden of unwanted pregnancies. It is always the girl's fault in the eyes of the religious people. It is girls with revealing clothes, with lipsticks, with high-heels, etc. What about the men or boys who impregnated these girls?

If the religious authorities have done their studies and have really found out that, oh yes, Valentine Day celebration, wearing lipstick, wearing high-heel shoes and unmarried couples misbehaving while riding their motorbikes would indeed lead to acts such as sexual intercourse and having children out of wedlock, well then, by all means the public will not object to them using tax-payers money for such action as OPS BONCENG. We definitely will have a higher respect for the religious institutions too.

But have the religious authorities ever conduct proper research on issues that seem to matter to them so very much? That seemed to make them flipped? Have their officials ever gone down to the poverty-stricken areas, to the lairs of the drug addicts or the prostitutes for example? No, it is usually the NGOs and private individuals that take up that challenge. With such a massive budget at hand, they should do that. Remember, not so long ago, it was alleged that thousands of young Muslims were converted into Christianity. Yet not e ven one study was done as to why did that happen? That is, if the allegation was indeed true. Weren't the religious authorities curious as to why droves of young Muslims converted to Christianity? Was it because the young Muslims were subjected to force? Was it black magic? Was it holy water? Were they given lots of money perhaps? Aren't they worried that the situation might be getting worse? Or are the religious authorities only keen in making themselves appear holier than thou? Making themselves appear like they are the defenders of the faith when the faith doesn't really need them. After some time, the furore died down and nothing comes out of it. Even the truthfulness of the allegation was not properly verified.

As an individual, one needs to be able to regulate oneself. For example, you can throw rubbish wherever you like. It is a bad thing and people will scold you if they see you do that (well, some people just couldn't care less because they also do that). You can still throw thrash around when no one is looking and nobody will reprimand you for it. But you know it is a bad thing. If you are a good person, you will not do it. Why? Because rubbish bins are provided. Because littering is unhealthy, unhygienic, and is an eyesore. It can also clog drains, causing mosquito breeding areas, causing malaria or dengue fever and even flooding for that matter. Members of society should be educated as to why they should not litter. They should learn that in the end littering is bad for everyone and they should not do it even if no one is looking, or no public officials or security guards or CCTVs are around. They should adopt the habit, that, even if there are no rubbish bins around they will keep their trash in their pockets or handbags or whatever, until they find one. They should be responsible for themselves without having to be monitored all the time. The function of public officials here is more providing the thrash bins, managing the thrash, creating awareness and educating members of society. However if authorities choose to ensure that people do not litter by employing "thrash police" or installing CCTVs, attitudes will not change and more and more police have to be recruited or more and more CCTVs have to be installed to deal with every aspect of behaviour. Even the enforcement of monetary fines will not really change attitudes. We can clearly see that in road accidents cases. 

It would be a very repressive society if everything has to be policed by the authorities especially things pertaining to private lives. So, married couples in Terengganu, carry your marriage card always if you ride motorbikes. Do not behave indecently (whatever that means) because then you will be stopped by JPJ and the religious dudes. They will have to let you go then ha ha ha. What if married couples riding motorbike and behaving indecently? Ha ha ha ...... some people are affectionate and expressive, but, so what, they are husband and wife! Definitely the loving couple will be stopped by the dudes, then the dudes will have to let them go. The dudes will look like idiots. What a waste of time!

I really wonder what is meant by "not sitting closely, keeping your hands to yourself" when you are a pillion rider on the motorbike. I also do not see at all, why this OPS BONCENG has anything to do with non-Muslims (look at paragraph below). Is it necessary for the whole world to follow our rules? Because we cannot do something, the whole universe too have to abstain from doing it, in case we get tempted? Is our akidah so very very filmsy and fragile?

Wan Mohd added that JHEAT will go all out to nab unmarried Muslim couples acting indecently, and said that indecent acts included hugging or leaning over with their hands in the jacket pockets of their lover.

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