I am master of my fate, I am captain of my soul (from a poem by William Ernest Hendley)
There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul ( quote by Ella Wheeler Wilcox)

Friday 9 December 2016

Getting A Cat Into The Carrier

On Saturday I will be travelling back to KK for my niece Syikin send-off to the bridegroom's side in Kedah. Since Monday and Tuesday will be public holidays for Selangor, I have already booked places for boarding for my furry kids at my regular vet.

Sending them for boarding is always a sentimental issue for me. A lot of the time, I would be crying, even if I would leave them there for only four or five days and this event is repeated many times in a year. I am just a weeper or a crybaby where my pets are concerned. In fact where animal welfare is concerned actually. I would have preferred to leave them at home and for someone to come and top-up the kibbles and change the water bowl. But people that I can rely on, stay far away from my place and I do not want to burden them with travelling so far to do that. If my neighbours are pet-friendly people then I would have just leave them at home with plenty of kibbles and plain water provided. They would have stale kibbles after a few days, but they will not be stressed out having to be caged at the boarding place. However some neighbours dislike cats and have already voiced out their displeasure at my Mickey sometimes jumping onto the top of their car or spraying onto the car tyres. I have already apologised to them about that. I tried to put myself in the shoe of a person who doesn't like cats and I have to agree may be I would get irritated too in such instances. Since then I feel uneasy about leaving my cats at home when I am not there, unless otherwise, I really can't help it.

Cats are smart animals. They study you and your routines with them. They sense your vibrations acutely. Calling to them too often before catching them would make them suspicious as you don't normally do that. Closing doors and all outlets suddenly too would easily make them bolted to the end of the block. Offering food too many times in a short period of time and they just walk off. Once I tried to catch Tam and somehow she slipped from my grip and sprinted away. Mickey and Comot got the hint and they both ran away too. For about 2-3 hours after that all three of them stayed away from the house. Watching from a distance, alert and ready to bolt in case Wan Nyah tries again. So today, Wan Nyah must act very normal. Not to pay any special attention, not to call them too often, not to offer treats at unusual time and not to overdo the cuddling.

Carriers for the two girls are out

The big boy watching Wan Nyah
taking out the carriers with suspicion

She is watching too

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