I am master of my fate, I am captain of my soul (from a poem by William Ernest Hendley)
There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul ( quote by Ella Wheeler Wilcox)

Saturday 17 October 2020

Living In The Present Moment

Fleeting Joy

Drops of dew on leaves

in the warm morning sun

the green, yellow, purple of my potted plants

I'm standing still rooted to the earth

watching you, scanning you

feeling that you're sensing me, scrutinizing me too

slowly but definitely

touch me, touch my soul again, mesmerize me

let me flow with you in the stream of life

I can feel you if  I make the effort, if I pause, if I be

your life in my arteries, in my veins, throbbing, pulsating

your beingness, my beingness, our oneness 

your cells slowly dividing multiplying

much slower than the beating of my heart

but living definitely in actuality

oh joy, fleeting but but genuinely enriching my soul

I want to savour your every particle in this moment

an instant so dense so penetratingly soothing

when I am completely still

Oh  beloved benevolent Universe

your magic immeasurably 

I'm floating or am I drowning?

in the ether of timelessness

experiencing the moment, this very very instant

completely in the now

instant by instant, this moment 

like the slow tapping of the rain on my roof

or the rumbling s of thunder 

or the explosion of lightning

splitting and scattering air molecules

Gently lay my head on my dozing cat's tummy

slow movement up and down, warmth

the ecstasy, the comfort, the healing rhythm

the purring of my fur baby.

Dear Lord

I am struggling, grappling, scrambling

to lift the veil of my egoic identities

layers and layers of them sticking to me

please let me be, just be, totally be

living mindfully, presently, always here

as still as I can be

surrendering to you with joy in my heart

and free of endless worries.

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