I am master of my fate, I am captain of my soul (from a poem by William Ernest Hendley)
There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul ( quote by Ella Wheeler Wilcox)

Wednesday 23 December 2015

Star Wars The Force Awakens

Went to see Star Wars The Force Awakens last Monday. I am not really into action-thriller-fantasy kind of movie but still I love it. Some old characters are back like the rather playful Han Solo and Princess Leia who is now known as General Organa. Chewbacca is stil there too. Some new characters are very likable like Rey the scavenger, Finn the rebel stormtrooper and of course the very lovable new droid BB-8. Kylo Ren who is actually the son of Han Solo and Princess Leia is another intriguing character despite the darkness of his heart.

Of course the popular characters that most of us associate with the Star Wars series such as Darth Vader, Yoda, Obi-wan Kenobi, Padmé Amidala, Jabba the Hutt, Emperor Palpatine and of course the creature Jar Jar Binks who rides a scalder are no more there as the story evolves.

Parts or scenes of the movie which are appealing to me:
1) Rey the scavenger as a character
She portrays a strong young lady, very smart and very smooth with all the technology available and very strong-willed too. She manages to free herself after being captured by Kylo Ren by hypnotising the stormtrooper who is guarding her. She even brought down Kylo Ren in the lightsaber fight at the end. I believe there is more to her than just an ordinary scavenger on planet Jakku waiting for the return of her family. May be in later episodes.

2) Kylo Ren or Ben Solo
In the middle of that particular scene between father and son, high up on the bridge, I really thought Kylo Ren is sincere about wanting to turn back into the light. He is in tears and seems very genuine. But I supposed he will not be a worthy successor of Darth Vader (who is his paternal grandfather actually) if he is not a villain. Actually, in my opinion, he is a monster. When one is indoctrinated into believing something, his or her mind is frozen and hardened and only the darkness is good and true for him or her.

I tried to write the plot myself but I grew tired of trying to remember which scenes come first and which come later. The following plot summary in italics is taken from Wiki (in case you are going to see the movie, may be you shouldn't read this ha ha ha)

But before that, a little recap on the story from Episode VI Return of the Jedi, as I understand it.
Before Yoda dies, he confirms that Darth Vader, once known as Anakin Skywalker, is actually Luke Skywalker's father. Yoda also confirms, that there is another Skywalker, Leia, Luke's twin sister. 
With the aim of confronting his father, Luke Skywalker surrenders to the imperial troop. He was unsuccessful to convince Vader to turn away from the dark side. There is a lightsaber duel in which Luke attacks Vader and severs his father's prosthetic right hand. Luke refuses to kill Vader even when enticed by Emperor Palpatine, declaring himself a Jedi like his father has been. A furious Emperor Palpatine, tortures Luke. Unwilling to let his son die, Vader kills the Emperor but he is mortally wounded himself in the process. Darth Vader dies in Luke's arms. 

So, here's the plot of Star Wars The Force Awakens:

Approximately 30 years after the destruction of the second Death Star, Luke Skywalker, the last Jedi, has disappeared. The First Order has risen from the remains of the fallen Galactic Empire and seeks to eliminate Luke and the Republic. The Resistance, a military force backed by the Republic and led by Luke's sister, Leia Organa, opposes them while searching for Luke to enlist his aid.

Resistance pilot Poe Dameron meets with village elder Lor San Tekka on the planet Jakku to obtain a map to Luke's location. Stormtroopers under the command of Kylo Ren destroy the village and capture Poe. Poe’s droid BB-8 escapes with the map, and comes across a scavenger named Rey at a junkyard settlement. Ren tortures Poe and learns of BB-8. Stormtrooper FN-2187, unable to kill for the First Order, frees Poe and they escape in a stolen TIE fighter; Poe dubs FN-2187 "Finn". They crash on Jakku and Finn appears to be the only survivor. He encounters Rey and BB-8, but the First Order tracks them and launches an airstrike. The three flee the planet in a stolen, rundown ship, the Millennium Falcon.

The Falcon breaks down, leaving Finn and Rey stranded. They are found by Han Solo and Chewbacca, who reclaim their former ship, taking it aboard their freighter. Han explains that Luke tried to rebuild the Jedi Order, but after a student turned to the dark side and destroyed all that he had built, Luke went into exile, feeling responsible. Criminal gangs attack, but the five escape in the Falcon. However, the criminals inform the First Order of Han's involvement. The Falcon crew arrive at the planet Takodana and meet Maz Kanata, who can help BB-8 reach the Resistance, but Finn wants to flee on his own. Rey is drawn to a vault and finds the lightsaber that belonged to Luke and his father before him. She experiences a disturbing vision, and flees into the woods. Maz then gives Finn the lightsaber for safekeeping.

At the First Order's Starkiller Base, a planet converted to a superweapon capable of destroying star systems, Supreme Leader Snoke orders General Hux to use it for the first time; they use the weapon to destroy the Republic capital and its fleet, declaring it the end of the Republic. Snoke also tells Ren that to overcome the call of the Light Side of the Force, Ren must kill his father, Han Solo. The First Order then attacks Takodana. Han, Chewbacca, and Finn, who uses the lightsaber in the fight, are saved by Resistance X-wing fighters led by Poe, but Rey is captured and taken to Starkiller Base. Ren interrogates Rey, but she resists his mind-reading. Discovering she too can use the Force, she escapes her cell with a Jedi mind trick.

Han, Chewbacca, Finn, and BB-8 arrive at the Resistance base on D'Qar, where they meet Leia and the droids C-3PO and R2-D2, the latter of which has been inactive since Luke's disappearance. As Starkiller Base prepares to fire on D'Qar, the Resistance devises a plan to lower the planetary shield so their fighters can attack. Using the Falcon, Han, Chewbacca, and Finn infiltrate the base. They lower the shield, find Rey, set explosives, and encounter Ren. Han confronts Ren, calling him by his birth name, Ben, and implores him to abandon the dark side. Though conflicted, Ren kills Han. Chewbacca then shoots Ren and sets off the planted explosives, allowing the Resistance X-wing fighters to attack the weakened weapon and starting a chain reaction that destroys Starkiller Base.

The injured Ren chases Finn and Rey to the surface. Finn battles Ren with the lightsaber, but is wounded. Rey then takes the lightsaber and fights Ren. She overpowers him with the Force and wounds him before they are separated by a fissure. Snoke orders General Hux to evacuate and bring Ren to him, while Rey, Chewbacca, and Finn escape in theFalcon. On D'Qar, the Resistance celebrates its victory while Leia, Chewbacca, and Rey mourn Han's death. R2-D2 then awakens and reveals the rest of the map, allowing Rey to travel with R2-D2 and Chewbacca to an island on a distant planet. Finding Luke, Rey offers the lightsaber to him.

Who is Kylo Ren?
I feel that I will not be able to understand the film fully until I know who is actually the character Kylo Ren. So I surfed the net a little bit, to find out who he is actually, before I went to see the movie.

Kylo Ren, born Ben, was a Force-sensitive-human male who was the master of the Knights of Ren, and to some capacity a commander of the First Order, approximately thirty years after the Battle of Endor. Born to Rebel heroes Leia Organa and Han Solo, Ben was trained as the Jedi apprentice of his uncle Luke Skywalker in Skywalker's new Jedi Academy. However, Ben was drawn to the dark side as a result of his obsession with the legacy of his grandfather, Darth Vader. Believing himself to be too weak to live up to his grandfather as a Jedi, Ben was lured to the dark side, significantly influenced by a mysterious Force-user named Snoke. Taking the name Kylo Ren, Ben left his uncle's new order behind and killed all of his fellow apprentices. Skywalker disappeared and Kylo became one of the Knights of Ren within the First Order. These events devastated his parents, causing Han to leave Leia and return to smuggling.
Seeking to find and destroy his uncle before he could rebuild the Jedi, Kylo set out to track down the last remnant of the only map that indicated his location, recovering all but one from the Empire's archives. Nearly obtaining the last fragment on Jakku, Kylo was beaten to it by Resistance pilot Poe Dameron, who hid the map in his droid BB-8. Kylo and the First Order then hunted the droid who befriended the scavenger Rey and former stormtrooper Finn. After locating them onTakodana, Kylo decided to abandon searching for the droid and instead captured Rey, having read her mind with the Force and discovering she had seen the map. Due to Rey's latent Force powers, Kylo couldn't extract the information from her mind as he thought he would be able to—Rey instead turned it on Kylo, positing his inferiority complex concerning his grandfather. With Kylo gone to consult with Snoke, Rey was able to escape as the Resistance mounted an attack on Starkiller Base. During the battle, Kylo encountered and killed his father, believing that it was his father's love that was weakening him in the dark side of the Force. After taking a consequential shot by Chewbacca, Kylo was then alerted to Rey and Finn's presence, who he then chased into the woods, engaging both in a lightsaber duel. He was further injured by Finn in the initial duel, but eventually struck Finn down, critically injuring him. He was finally overpowered by the Force-sensitive Rey, who left a severely wounded and unstable Kylo on the ground. With Starkiller Base imploding, Snoke instructed General Hux to leave the base with Kylo and bring him forth to complete his training.
1977   Star Wars Episode IV
            A New Hope
1980   Star Wars Episode V
            The Empire Strikes Back
1983   Star Wars Episode VI 
            Return of the Jedi
1999   Star Wars Episode I
            The Phantom Menace
2002   Star Wars Episode II
            Attack of the Clones
2005   Star Wars Episode III
            Revenge of the Sith
2008   Star Wars The Clone Wars
            (TV series, animation)
2015   Star Wars Episode VII
            The Force Awakens
2016   Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
2017    Star Wars Episode VIII
2019    Star Wars Episode IX

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