I am master of my fate, I am captain of my soul (from a poem by William Ernest Hendley)
There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul ( quote by Ella Wheeler Wilcox)

Tuesday 20 October 2015

The Wandering and Meandering Mind 17112010

In late 2010, I started writing snippets about my everyday life and then e-mailing them to my close friends. Named the e-mail thread The Wandering and Meandering Mind. Most of the time I would send them to Bonda, Darling and Dear. It was prequel to blogging actually and I found it to be quite therapeutic. I was using Yahoo mail at that time. It was the time before Android devices are all the rage and Yahoo Mail was more popular than G-Mail. I have decided to paste those short e-mails onto this blog as they are quite nostalgic to me.

In this particular e-mail pasted below, the ginger cat mentioned is actually Mickey which someone had dumped near my house. At that time, I had recently lost my very beloved Benjamin Miki and the pain of losing him, made me vow never to have another cat again.

Of course, Mickey's persuasive and loving nature changed all that and I am very glad that I decided to adopt him about 3 weeks after this e-mail was written.
My beloved sister-in-law mentioned below had also passed away in 2012 after a short illness.

My gorgeous boy now
Mickey, another recent photo

17th November, 2010
Woke up at around seven thirty. Heard the ginger cat that someone dumped near my house meowing near my front door. He's quite a manipulative cat. He knows I melt every time I heard the loud meow. Fed ginger with canned food. Would you believe that? When I've sworn I'll never have another cat, and yet I bought cat food to feed a stray. Anyway ginger is never allowed into the house. If anybody wants an affectionate orange-coloured male cat, please let me know.

Mickey, the early days
A rather skinny cat at the beginning

Washed my face and brushed my teeth. Hmmm.......what's for breakfast? Still had one ketupat palas I bought last evening at PKNS Complex with some serunding. The ketupat was quite tasty anyway. Called my sister-in-law, talked to hear for a while. Glad that she's recovered from her fever. What's on TV? ASTRO, the terrestrials, holiday programmes sucked. Looked at my newspaper cuttings which I haven't pasted onto the scrap books. Must do that ASAP. Did some washing. The day is turning cloudy. Please no more rain today I hope.
It's one o'clock. Get Smart (the movie) is on 412. Well, for the sake of nothing better to watch, I suppose, this will do.

I actually should drive out to buy something for lunch, or get the car washed. The other option? Lie down with a book or just lie down. Second option better!

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