I am master of my fate, I am captain of my soul (from a poem by William Ernest Hendley)
There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul ( quote by Ella Wheeler Wilcox)

Sunday 15 March 2015


I woke up at five this morning. Switched on the TV. DW Channel was showing the destruction by Cyclone Pam on the island nation of Vanuatu. The President of the Republic of Vanuatu who is in Japan attending a conference on disaster management was clearly distressed when he made a call to the international community to assist Vanuatu. Depressing news. Switched off the TV and read a little.

6.30 am   :  Went upstairs to attend to Ro who was already making noise, needing attention. Cleaned his litter box, changed his water bowl and fill up his kibble bowl. Took Ro out of the cage and administered his antibiotic and flu pills. He is gentle and affectionate and loves to be cuddled. It is not difficult to administer his medication. Gave him the multivitamin paste. Played with him for a while. He is getting more handsome. A far cry from the thin sickly cat of late February. The flu however is still not completely cured and he cannot be vaccinated yet. It is okay, Ro, I know you are getting much better. That is the most important thing and that makes Wan Nyah happy.

Ro relaxing on Wan Nyah's lap

7.10 am  :  Went down to feed my 3 furry kids their steamed fish. They are fed steamed fish twice daily. Have been reading a lot about feline nutrition. Mainly due to the fact that Mickey is quite chubby and needs to lose a little weight. I am trying to decrease my cats intake of kibbles. Kibbles are carbohydrate-rich and tend to make cats put on weight, especially male neutered cats. More so in the case of cats which are not very active like Mickey. Tam and Comot are okay because they move a lot and are more playful.

7.30 am  :  Made myself a cup of coffee and then went to water the grass in front and at the back of the house. Refilled the water containers for the stray cats and stray dogs that I placed in front of the house.
It is going to be a hot day and the stray animals have nowhere to drink. They might resort to drinking dirty water. Just my little contribution, just like I did in my workplace before I retired.

8.10 am  :  Drove to the stalls to buy my breakfast. Hmmm.......nasi lemak, nasi putih, nasi ayam? Or roti canai, capati? Ok nasi ayam for a change. I cringed a bit at the amount of rice they gave me, simply too much. I should discipline myself more really with all these carbohydrate.
Went to the grocery shop to buy fish for my 3 kids. Bought about about 4 kg of fish that can last for about 4 days. Bought vegetables too for myself.

9.10 am  :  Drove home. Had my breakfast. Kept half the rice in the fridge. Watched TV, alternating between DW, Al Jazeera, Euronews, NHK World, Channel News Asia, Cinema World, BBC Knowledge and Nat Geo People. For a long, long time, I have stopped watching local TV programmes. In my opinion, most of the time, they are too preoccupied with idolising weak, mediocre and corrupt politicians. They are also too many religious people professing their expertise in presenting the holier-than-thou facade on local TV.

10.10 am :  Cleaning and preparing the 4 kg fish. Steamed them. Packed into plastic bags for every feeding and put them into the freezer. The fish roe I put separated for Tam. Fish roe is Tam's favourite. Huuh.........quite a lot of fish actually. Quite often, at the grocery shop, people would ask me I have a stall selling nasi campur because of the amount of fish I bought.

11.30 am :  Continued my reading. The book title is The Extraordinary Life of Frank Derrick by J.B. Morrison.

12.30 noon: My lunch today is 3 slices of toasted wholemeal bread with butter and brown sugar and one large pear. Delicious. Comot followed me everywhere. She likes wholemeal bread on it own, torn into small pieces.

1.30 pm  :  Started this new post on my blog.  Went upstairs to ensure that the table fan for Ro is properly directed at him. The upstairs room are stuffy and Ro needs to have the table fan on almost the whole day.
My 3 kids were sprawled on the floor, sleeping, despite the searing heat, they slept with their mouth open....ha ha ha. Great nap with both the ceiling fan and table fan on.

3.00 pm  :  Made myself a cup of black coffee. Continued writing. I need to wash the car. But on Sunday, there will be many people. I also need to go to the self-service laundry for some big pieces of bed linens and selimut. The new self-service laundry near my home is indeed a blessing. Otherwise I have to go to Port Klang, seven kilometres away. These two chores can be done on weekdays.

4.15 pm  :  Fed the trio their evening fish meal. Watered the grass again and swept the front and backyard. Felt like taking another bath, even though I have taken three today. This hot stuffy weather!

5.00 pm  :  Had a plate of slice cucumber with some ready-made kuah pecal that I bought at the pasar malam. My favourite food. Went upstairs to  clean Ro's litter tray and to play a bit with him. Tonight I have a bit of studying to do. Learning and reciting numbers in French.

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