I am master of my fate, I am captain of my soul (from a poem by William Ernest Hendley)
There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul ( quote by Ella Wheeler Wilcox)

Thursday 7 August 2014

Tam Benjamin

A picture is worth a thousand words of Tam's affectionate and loving nature. I adopted her in January 2014, which means she has been with me for about seven months. And those were seven months of unconditional love and affection for me and for Mickey Benjamin my other cat.


  1. Miss Tuxedo ni tengok gambar pun dah tahu memang comel, manja dan cheeky :)

    1. Yes Ain, she is very affectionate and yes cheeky too. She would jump over Mickey, bite him, attack him playfully, anything just to entice Mickey to play with her.

  2. Aktif dan tak reti duduk diam, sama macam kucing kami Mr. Darcy :) Suka gigit hidung dan pipi Ain sebab bosan takde kawan. Bila bagi dia jumpa yang lain, berlari menyorok sebab timid sangat kot. Tapi, bila masuk bilik kami ni, bukan main memanjat sana sini.

  3. Wow nama Mr. Darcy, mesti handsome tu. That is the thing about having pets actually, they bring so much happiness to us. We are just amazed at their antics, totally loving, totally affectionate, totally stress relieving!
