I am master of my fate, I am captain of my soul (from a poem by William Ernest Hendley)
There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul ( quote by Ella Wheeler Wilcox)

Saturday 21 June 2014

My Bits of Heaven on Earth

Ladies and gentlemen, we felines tend to be meticulous about our cleanliness. Let me show you how I clean my back paw, while laying down, comfortably curled up in the old plastic basin in the backyard. Photos are taken by Wan Nyah who is fascinated by my grooming. Actually she is fascinated by whatever I do or whatever Mickey does ha ha ha. I think Wan Nyah belongs to me and Mickey and not the other way round!

We felines are famous
for our fastidiousness
about cleanliness
First of all, check your heel. Ensure
that it is clean
Then, if you are a tuxedo, like me, check
your socks. The socks are flagship icons
for tuxedos like us.
Clean properly
Don't forget in-between
the toes. You might need
to use your teeth there.
Then examine your back
paw again. Ensure that you it is
really clean
Hi wan nyah
All that cleaning makes
me a little tired
Clean the other paws later. Need a
nap first.


  1. Alahai, comelnya si tuxedo ni :) Musim panas ni ada port bersantai yang cozy best la. Our kitties kat rumah ni duk melekap je atas tiles.

    1. Hi Ain,
      Tu la musim panas cam sekarang ni kesian all the cats. Its been weeks without rain. My orange tabby Mickey lepak dlm bilik air bila tengahari.

    2. Betul tu Kak Zah, kucing kami yg indoor memang tidur dalam bilik air. Ain nak mandikan je bebudak ni tapi Abang nizam kata tak boleh mandikan diorang sebab takut nanti selsema dan demam. Kucing kami banyak mati awal bulan ni, selsema dan virus. Dalam seminggu tanam sampai 7 ke 10 ekor. Tinggal 9 ekor je yg survive kat luar.

    3. La banyak yg mati tu, siannya. I supposed this horrid weather these last few weeks just make it worse for sick cats.

  2. beberape bulan ni virus selsema kat kucing makin menjadi2.....antibiotik yg biasa guna kat kucing2 pun dah tak jalan, kena guna yg kuat, tu pun belum tentu effective, sepertinya virus2 ni dah evolve and ada resistance pada antibiotik.....tambah dgn cuaca yg panas dan kering memang buat lagi teruk :(

  3. Itulah, sedih juga tapi kami dah habis usaha setakat terdaya. Masalah bila letak kat cattery belakang ialah once ada virus dan most of them tak sempat di vaksin. Kesannya pulak pantas sampaikan tak sempat nak kuarantin. Kalau bawak masuk, kitties indoor pulak berisiko. Dalam pada kejadian kucing mati ramai-ramai ni, kucing kami Miss J selamat melahirkan 2 ekor anak yang sihat gebu, so far dah 3 minggu, ok nampaknya. Cuma kena kandangkan dulu sebab Miss J selalu berlaga angin dengan Minah :)

  4. It is ok Zam n Ain,
    You have done a lot taking care of so many of them. Very few people like you both are around in reality. We tried our best within our means. Like you said feline virus too are evolving, thus the fast spread.
    Wan Nyah senantiasa doakan members Putrajaya Colony sihat sejahtera, especially the 2 new kittens.
