I am master of my fate, I am captain of my soul (from a poem by William Ernest Hendley)
There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul ( quote by Ella Wheeler Wilcox)

Wednesday 5 March 2014

A Wealthy Individual

I am just a poor retired civil servant but when I look at the photos at the bottom, I think I am rather wealthy.

Material things of course are important but your feelings about your family and friends are very important too. You might at times be angry at your family or friends but that is just the ups and downs of life.

My relationship with my biological family more often than not are rather awkward and superficial at times. A lot of conflicts arisen mostly from the difficult personality of my adopted mother. People might think I am bad-mouthing her, but that was the truth. It was only in recent years, minus her meddling that I managed to feel closer to my family. It was not an easy thing to do as I am an introvert and expressions of love and closeness are rather difficult for me to display. It also takes a lot courage and energy to bury away the ghosts of my formative years having to live through the tumultuous years of my foster parents marriage and their weird parenting.

All that being said about my weirdness and quirkiness and the pathetic circumstances of my upbringing, I still think that I am rather wealthy in some ways which are not associated with material things. Why did I say that? Because I am still here, I am okay and I am surviving. Now that I am retired I feel I missed my close friends very much as I don't see them everyday anymore. Even though there were things that I wish could have done better, especially with my family, but I have no regrets. Life is short, let's focus on the the present, on what I have and on what I can do.

To all my friends, thank you for being you, for accepting me the way I am. To all my nephews and nieces, your Wan Nyah is still making baby steps at making connection with all of you. To all my pets, past and present, love you, love you, love you!



  1. Having relatives and friends who cares for you is also a blessing....yes u r indeed wealthy :) salams from me, ain and the Presint 16's furies colony + 1 lost squirrel in our dapur hehehe

  2. Salam to you and Ain too. May you both and all your furry kids be blessed always, in the best of health always too.
