I am master of my fate, I am captain of my soul (from a poem by William Ernest Hendley)
There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul ( quote by Ella Wheeler Wilcox)

Saturday 8 February 2014

A New Family Member

Introducing Tam. Found near the row of grocery shops where I parked my car on  Maulidur Rasul holiday last month. Very skinny, full of fleas, very hungry and scavenging for food behind a stall selling goreng pisang. I didn't have the heart to leave her there, hungry and itching all over with all the fleas. Made up my mind there and then, that she will be an addition to my household and a companion for my Mickey Benjamin. It was easy to entice her with food and she was placed into the cage which I happened to have at the back of the car. Tam is about three months old and quite a gorgeous tuxedo kitten actually, underneath all the fleas and that scrawny physique. The pictures above were taken like four days ago, about three weeks from the time I first took her in.

Took her immediately to my vet at Section 7, Shah Alam. She was dewormed and treated with flea medication and I was told to take her back in two weeks time for her first vaccination. Tam was put in a cage in the back room upstairs. After three days, I let her out of the cage but I close the door of the room. Periodically I would let Mickey in for supervised introduction and play. At times there would be hissing and growling but they were both very interested in one another.

Last Thursday I let her out of the room. She immediately began exploring every nook and cranny of both room upstairs. The staircase was a little scary place for her for the first twenty minutes of freedom. Once she mustered the courage to deal with the staircase, my very small house is her very own playground. Mickey is very fond of playing hide-and-seek with Tam nowadays, even though I have to be vigilant that the play doesn't become too rough for Tam as Mickey is very much bigger in size.

I named her Tam because she is black (short for hitam). My niece Syikin suggested she should be Tammy and a friend said she should be Tammy Benjamin because the other one is Mickey Benjamin. I think I will just stick to Tam as she is already beginning to respond to that name.

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