I am master of my fate, I am captain of my soul (from a poem by William Ernest Hendley)
There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul ( quote by Ella Wheeler Wilcox)

Saturday 30 September 2017

Two Days After My Birthday

Hi everyone! Friends, nephews, nieces and families. Today, I am 63 and 2 days old. Ha ha ha! Nowadays, age doesn't bother me so much anymore. I probably have more white hairs, more age spots and more sagging, flabby skins 😄😄. But who cares? I don't anymore. What's more important is how I feel about myself and the people that matter to me and what I do for my personal growth and development. The strong introvert in me means I actually have not that many friends, but those I have I really adore. So, Darling, Dear, SZ, PA, LHW, Soh Kien, BK, Ain, Zam, thank you for being my friends. Love you all always.

Latest selfie of a 63 year
old lady. 
The house repairs are completed and so is the tiny extension meant to be the reading room. But as you can see from the photo, the house is cluttered to the brim. I have too many knickknacks and I am a bit of a hoarder. So the rearrangement and proper cleaning up of all the dust will take a while. It's a working progress, ha ha ha. I also need to build the bookshelves for all my books. Have a lot of things to give to others.

I am grateful to be alive. I think for me, it is a privilege. To be still healthy and independent and to be feeling great. Thank you so very much, my Lord. Thank you for making me realised a few very important things lately. They are life-changing actually and I am forever grateful. Old habits die hard but I did manage to change a few negative and limiting beliefs. There is no such thing as being too old to change.

To most people, my life is probably very mundane and very very boring. But I am OK with it. The ordanariness and the slow pace of my life does not hinder me from learning and growing. I don't really crave excitement. In fact this is a very good time and opportunity to ponder about things. And, of course, there is always this deep curiosity and an eagerness in me, to know and understand more about you my Lord. I think Maulana Rumi put it very precisely that the desire to know you can melt all other desires. I am making efforts in my own personal ways. Please show me the way, give me hints and nudge me to the right path.