I am master of my fate, I am captain of my soul (from a poem by William Ernest Hendley)
There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul ( quote by Ella Wheeler Wilcox)

Saturday 21 February 2015

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

Description of the book (as taken from the Web) :

Nine-year old Oskar Schell is an inventor, amateur entomologist, Francophile, letter writer, pacifist, natural historian, percussionist, romantic, Great Explorer, jeweller, detective, vegan, and collector of butterflies. When his father is killed in the September 11th attacks on the World Trade Centre, Oskar sets out to solve the mystery of a key he discovers in his father's closet. It is a search which leads him into the lives of strangers, through the five boroughs of New York, into history, to the bombings of Dresden and Hiroshima, and on an inward journey which brings him ever closer to some kind of peace.

My Take On This Novel

I finished this book in late December 2014. This book is about the close relationship between a father and his son. Oskar Schell is a very smart but eccentric nine-year old who is very much loved by his parents and his grandmother. He is a child who likes to think about a lot of things and like a lot of children has wild imaginations. Thomas Schell encourages his son to always be enthusiastic, inquisitive and imaginative. To me, the Schells as a family puts a lot of emphasis on independence, a love of learning and a strong sense of individuality in their parenting of their only child. Oskar in some ways is a child way beyond his years. He does not really have any friend his own age but he easily makes friend with adults.
On September 11th, 2001 Thomas Schell has a meeting in one of the WTC buildings. He becomes a victim of the September 11th attacks and his body is never recovered. Perhaps trying to put a closure to their horrific ordeal his wife and his mother arrange for a funeral to be held with an empty coffin which is buried in a grave later on. Oskar is frustrated and angry with the funeral as to him it is a lie. His deep affection for his father strongly compels him to search for the mystery of the key. If he doesn't solve the meaning of the mysterious key, Oskar feels he doesn't love his father enough even if his father is dead.

This is a story about the trauma of a child losing his beloved father in a horrific accident. Imagine his feelings when he sees people jumping from the windows of the burning WTC buildings into their deaths. It is an attempt by a smart nine-year old to try to find closure and healing after going through a very traumatic loss.

For the first time, I encounter a different style of writing by Jonathan Safran Foer in this book. For example, dialogues are not placed within double inverted commas and there are a few pages where the wordings become illegible after some time. It makes me feel a little strange at first. There are photographs in the book which are like mysterious symbols to the plot of the book. That is my guess.

A Little on Jonathan Safran Foer
Jonathan Safran Foer (born February 21, 1977) is an American writer. He is best known for his novels Everything Is Illuminated (2002) and Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (2005). In 2009, he published a work of nonfiction titled Eating Animals. He currently teaches creative writing at New York University.

Foer's second novel Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, was published in 2005. In the novel, Foer used 9/11 as a backdrop for the story of nine-year old Oskar Schell, who learns how to deal with the death of his father in the World Trade Centre catastrophe. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close used many non-traditional writing techniques known as visual writing. It follows multiple but interconnected storylines, is peppered with photographs of doorknobs and other such oddities, and ends with a 14-page flipbook. Foer's use of these techniques resulted in both glowing praise and excoriation from critics. Despite diverse criticism, the novel sold briskly and was translated into several languages. In addition, Warner Bros and Paramount turned the novel into a movie with the same title directed by Stephen Daldry with Thomas Horn, Tom Hanks and Sandra Bullock as the leading characters.

Something Interesting

Francophile (or Gallophile) is an individual who has a strong positive predisposition or interest toward the government, culture, history, or people of France. This could include France itself or its history, the French language, French cuisine, literature, etc. 

A person who opposes the use of war or violence to settle a dispute is called a pacifist. If you are a pacifist, you talk through your differences with others instead of fighting. A pacifist is a peacemaker and avoid physical confrontations. The beliefs and actions of peacemakers can also be described as pacifist.

A vegan is a person who does not eat or use animal products. Veganism is a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as is possible, all forms of exploitations of, and cruelty to animals, for food, clothing or any other purposes.

Cat in Drawer

Somebody just had a thing with open drawers. Open drawers are invitations to explore the content, to burrow in between properly folded clothes and throw them into disarray, to play hide-and-seek and to play with toys. Also for napping, if it is not too hot.
These are beautiful, precious moments which no money can buy for both that little somebody and her Wan Nyah.

Bienvenue 2015!

Welcoming 2015 when February 2015 is almost ending ha ha ha. My dearest blog, forgive me for neglecting you for so long. You are an important part of me and I never meant to hurt you. You are as important as my three furry kids Mickey, Tam and Comot. Yes I have three furry kids now. You are always on my mind and I feel guilty about abandoning you for quite some time.

A lot has been and is on my mind. However I do tend to have strong opinions about many things and for the time being I do not think those thoughts in my head can be put black and white on you my dearest. There is the thing about freedom of expression. A lot has been said about them. Some people say freedom of expression is their culture, it is their way of life. They mock everything, their government, their religion and other people's religion. Is freedom of expression absolute? Perhaps that is a tough question but still to me every freedom comes with responsibilities. What about the freedom to not be insulted for the other party? On the other hand should we as rationale individuals react violently by gunning down the perpetrators of the mockery? There will always be people with the tendency to mock and denigrate others. In any establishment even in small group of people. You just can't afford to kill everyone of them. You will be consumed by anger and you will lose yourself in the maelstrom of hate and vengeance. It definitely does not solve anything in my opinion. On 16 December 2014 in some faraway place some people massacred 132 defenceless school children and 13 teachers and staffs of a school in the name of revenge. They proudly admitted the brutal slaying declaring that the action is justified because the military offensives brought on upon them had killed many of their comrades. I feel sad that at present because of the actions of certain groups that hide behind their faith and use the faith to justify many of their barbaric actions, we have to be apologetic always to others. We always have to explain that our religion is not like that and we are not like them. The violence perpetrated only serve to highlight the crimes but remain hidden are many other facets of extremism of why, who, what, where and when of it. More often than not, there are deeper underlying reasons towards that end. And more often than not, the deeper underlying reasons are manipulated by politicians, religious leaders and the big powers of the world.

The country experienced massive flooding in several states as we ushered in 2015 in very sombre mood. Many people lost everything and as the water subsided many families resorted to living under tents amids the debris and destruction. It is indeed heart-breaking to see. I am just wondering if the cleaning-up action is really completed even by today as the flood has been seemingly humongous. Let us hope that the relevant authorities will take the necessary actions to prevent such a flood from happening again in future. I mean, really really study the recent flood and really really take preventive measures. No lackadaisical attitude like accepting flood is a natural occurrence and is nothing new and therefore is nothing to be feared. We already had our lesson in late 2014.

I am apprehensive about the future. I really really hope that are still many of leaders who are genuinely concerned about this beautiful country of ours. I hope they put sincere efforts at steering the country into much more steadier economic situation. It doesn't take an economic genius to understand that for the time being Malaysia is not doing that well economically. I watch Euronews and DW channels all the time. I watch how the newly elected Greece government is trying desperately to extend the deadline to pay their debts to creditors like Germany, French and US. When you are debt-ridden, you are at the mercy of your loan-sharks and you have to beg from your creditors to stop meddling on how you are going to handle your domestic life. Greece is reprimanded for not sticking to the austerity-drive measures suggested by the EU. The new government for example,  rehire all the government officers made redundant in the austerity-drive put forward by the previous government. Greece is on the brink of being bankrupt and on top of that there is the fear that they may be expelled from the EU. Of course Malaysia is not at the same footage as Greece for the time being. However if a great many of our leaders are in denial mode and keep professing that we are economically very much okay, God forbids, one day we might go the same path.

For the time being, I am thankful that I am still here, I am still generally in good health and still very independent. I am thankful for the health and safety of my family and my friends. For all the wars and the violence in the world, I still believe that the Lord will always help us if we put effort to live in peace. My two great hopes for 2015 are not much. First, may more and more Malaysians be more sensitive about animal welfare and more and more pet owners realise the importance of pet neutering. Second, is for Malaysians to stop the littering habit. We have a beautiful country, let us keep it clean and keep the environment healthy.